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Amaretto Hot Cocoa Mix

This homemade hot cocoa has a unique flavor and is better than any of the store-bought kinds!


  • 1 box nonfat dry milk (25.6oz)
  • 2 jars amaretto flavored dry non-dairy coffee creamer (11oz, each)
  • 1 jar plain flavored dry non-dairy coffee creamer (11oz)
  • 1 box Nesquik (16oz)
  • 4 cups powdered sugar (sifted)
  • 1/2 cup unsweeted cocoa powder (optional)


  • Combine all ingredients a very large bowl, and gently whisk until everything is combined the color is uniform. If you like a stronger chocolate flavor, add more cocoa powder.
  • Portion into individual containers or bags to give as gifts. The amount of mix used to make one mug is up to personal taste, but it requires slightly more powder than store-bought mix. Generally, 1/4-1/3 cup of dry mix should be combined with 1 to 1 1/2 cups of hot water. Enjoy!
  • For different variations, substitute other dry creamer flavors for the amaretto creamer.