Confetti Fruit Pie
With bits of mandarin orange and pineapple, these creamy fruit pies look like confetti when you cut into them!
- 1 can sweetened condensed milk (14 oz)
- 1/2 cup lemon juice
- 1 container whipped topping (8 oz)
- 2 cans mandarin oranges, drained (11 oz)
- 1 can pineapple tidbits, drained (8 oz)
- 2 prepared graham cracker crusts
- In a large bowl, beat together condensed milk and lemon juice. Beat in whipped topping. Stir in wellยญ drained fruit. Beat, beat, and beat until mixture looks like confetti.
- Pour filling into graham cracker crusts and chill for at least 4 hours. Makes 2 pies. Enjoy!
Arlene’s Berry Berry Pie
This fresh fruit pie has a sweet glaze, but it really allows the flavor of fresh fruit to shine without a bunch of added sugar.
- 1 pie shell, baked
- Fruit to fill shell: any combination of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, peaches, nectarines, or plums, pits removed and larger fruits sliced. (about 4-6 cups)
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 2 Tbsp cornstarch
- pinch salt
- 3/4 cup water
- Combine glaze ingredients and cook, stirring, over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Add a few crushed berries for color.
- Place fruit in baked pie shell and pour glaze evenly over fruit.
- Chill for a few hours. Serve with whipped cream, if desired (although it's completely fabulous unadorned). Enjoy!
Apple Crumb Pie
A delicious apple pie with a unique crumb topping!
- 1 frozen or refrigerated deep dish pie crust
Pie Filling
- 5-7 Granny Smith apples, peeled and thinly sliced
- 1 cup white sugar
- 4 Tbsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/4 cup water
- 2 Tbsp corn starch
Pie Topping
- 4 Tbsp cinnamon
- 1 1/2 cups brown sugar
- 1 cup slivered almonds
- 4 Tbsp butter, cut into tiny pieces
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare a 9" deep dish pie plate with a pre-made pie crust. In a large bowl, combine peeled and sliced apples, white sugar, 4 Tbsp cinnamon, vanilla, corn starch and water. Stir gently until apples are completed coated.
- For the topping, stir together 4 Tbsp cinnamon, brown sugar, almonds, and butter. Mash the mixture into tiny pieces.
- Gently mound apples into the pie crust until the pile is very tall. Carefully sprinkle the cinnamon-almond mixture over the apples.
- Place pie plate on a rimmed cookie sheet to catch any liquid if the pie boils over. Bake for 45-60 minutes, until apples are tender and juice inside the pie crust is bubbling. If crust begins to burn, cover with a collar made of aluminum foil. Allow to cool for at least an hour before slicing. Enjoy!
- Well hello, and welcome to “At Home” today, I’m so glad to see you. You’re looking great, you look fabulous, keep doing what you’re doing because you’re looking good. I hope you had a great day. If you’re on a diet, God bless you, keep at it, keep working you’re gonna make it just keep in there, keep doing it. And if you need to be on one, this is probably not the best program to be watching because today we’re doing pies, all kind of pies, fruit pies, cream pies, oh boy. And the smell in this studio is incredible but we’re gonna share the recipes with you in just a moment you’re gonna be enjoying them, trust me, I know you will. You know, I was thinking the other day, in fact it was this morning in my devotional time with the Lord. The scripture says, oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good, who’s the He? God, oh, give thanks. Doesn’t matter what’s going on in your life today. If you will develop a thankful heart, a heart that says in spite of the problem, in spite of the situation, in spite of my financial problem or my marital problem, or my health, or some other thing that crisis in your business, if you can take a step beyond that and choose, you know, being thankful is a choice. Oh, give thanks unto the Lord. He wants you to do that, He desires you to be thankful no matter what be thankful. And you know that’s not easy, but when you make a choice to do that, and you follow it through and you are thankful, you start to feel better about it. Lord, I don’t understand why I’m going through this situation but I’m gonna thank you in spite of it, because I know that you have my best interest at heart and you’re gonna bring me through. You always know that God will bring you through and you don’t have to worry about is He gonna let me fall? And I’m trusting in Him, but is it gonna work? It’s gonna work every single time ’cause He’s a faithful, faithful God. So today, give thanks unto the Lord for He is good and His mercy endures forever. We’ll be right back in just a minute. Here’s today’s “At Home” hint. Here’s today’s “At Home” hint to freeze whole berries, wash and dry them completely. Spread the berries in a single layer on a cookie sheet and freeze individually. When frozen place in freezer Ziploc bags and return to the freezer. If you’ve got a helpful hint we want to hear from you. Send your hint to “At Home” Hints Cornerstone Television, Wall, Pennsylvania 15148-1499. Well, the first pie that we’re going to demonstrate today is an apple pie. Not the traditional one, this is a little bit different. This apple pie doesn’t have a double crust and it doesn’t even have like that dutch crumbly crust but it does have a crumble crust on the top, that’s not easy to say. Anyway, first thing you wanna do is have a pie shell. And I’m making this in a deep dish pie shell, pie plate and because it will accommodate more apples ’cause this is very dense with apples. In fact, you can see, I have this whole big bowl of apples that’s gonna mound in this crust. So you want to be sure that you have a deep dish pie shell. All right, and we have, these are Granny Smiths because these are very good when you’re doing pies, it’s a tart but this has sugar in it so this will balance one another out. And all we’re gonna do here, you make these thinly slices so that they cook up evenly. And now we’re going to mix some sugar right there. And a lot of cinnamon, I hope you like cinnamon because this has lots of cinnamon in it. And this is eight tablespoons total but we’re just gonna put half of it in with the apples and we’re gonna use the other half in the topping, all right? So there’s a cinnamon. We’re also gonna add some vanilla unusual, huh? And a bit of water. And what we’ll do here is just mix this, because we want this to coat all of these apples. This is a lot of apples, but you know what? This is like I said, a little bit different of flavor and a taste to an apple pie. There’s nothing like the traditional apple pie I don’t care what it is, but you smell that baking, it wets your appetite. But I like to try something different and unusual. And the dutch topping, you know, with the butter and the brown sugar and the flour, that’s one way to go. But this is, I saw this recipe and I thought, well, I’d like to try that. And we’ll present it to the viewer, see what you think. Now, Paul will love this because it has so much cinnamon, he’s a big cinnamon fan, and it does perk up the flavor. So you wanna make sure that that’s coated very well. That little bit of water now there’s water on the apples. And also while you’re cutting them, you’re slicing them you’re gonna wanna put them in a lemon bath which is a bowl with some water that you pour lemon juice in so that they don’t turn brown. And that works a lot better than worrying about oh, they’re all brown, the apples are brown, they look ugly. That works for you, ’cause we had that in a water bath but you wanna drain them really, really well before you start to mix the sugar, the cinnamon, the vanilla and the water. Okay, now this is gonna mount up really high. All right, so you think how’s all those apples? We’re gonna see together. First of all, we’re gonna start to spoon them in. That’s why we do it nice and thin. ‘Cause we don’t want big chunks of apple here. Boy it looks good already, that little bit of juice in there let that go in. ‘Cause that’s just gonna add some moisture and we don’t wanna dry pie. Might have to stop and rearrange them so that they stay in the pie crust, do you see that? Pour them in, this makes a big pie you don’t have to have a big piece of this, you can have a smaller piece ’causer it’s very thick and these apples will cook down. If you ever see, whoops some tried to get away there. If you ever, ever seen them, you start out with this big, huge high pie. You put the crust on it. And when the apples cooked down, there’s this big hole like, you know, the crust, there’s nothing under there and all the apples are like this small on the bottom. I don’t think it’s gonna happen with this one. This is about six to seven Granny Smiths might not need that many. And if you don’t, that’s alright ’cause we’ll use a pie crust and we’ll make some more another pie or some little pies, which is kind of nice. You just wanna make sure that the apples are evenly distributed, you don’t want any holes anywhere. Pack them in there nice and firm like so, okay? Now, the topping is brown sugar. The rest of the cinnamon, if you don’t like cinnamon this would not be the pie you’d want. And some almonds, you can either use the sliced or these slivered. You just mix this really well together. You don’t want any like big chunks of brown sugar, so you wanna make sure that that’s broken up very well. Just like that. Remember all of these recipes are on our website and you can always get the recipes for the whole month which we’ll tell you at the end of the program, you’ll be sure to get your paper in pencil handy. If you’re a new viewer we welcome you, we’re glad that you’re here. Okay, now I’m just gonna start pouring this all over. I better use this, the top of this pie. You’re gonna preheat your oven and it’s gonna be at 350 degrees. Now, unlike some of the other pies, apple pies that bake for an hour, this only bakes 25 to 30 minutes because it doesn’t have that crust. Okay, doesn’t have a double crust, you just have to bake the one crust. How about that? Is that a beauty or what? Yes, you wanna make sure move that around a little bit so some of that topping will go down in between the other apple slices. I think we got it there. I just wanna make sure here, I think we’re there. Now, preheat the oven as I said, it’s really important. Let me just wipe off. You wanna be sure that you wipe the handles anything that has sugar in it because if it cooks to that, you won’t be able to get the apple pie out of the dish because it’s stuck to the edge of the dish. You would think this would be real heavy it’s really not, not that bad, 350 degrees preheated. We’re gonna put it right in there. Okay, Vinny you get the picture?
- [Vinny] Yep.
- Beautiful. And I’m gonna set the timer about 30 minutes I’m gonna give that, okay? Well, that’s the first one, the second one is called confetti pie. And it’s a cream pie and it’s a no bake pie, which is kind of nice too. I like to do a variety of pies ’cause some people just don’t like to bake, others like to bake and that gives them a chance with the crust. But this pie, you start out with two graham cracker crusts and you can make them or you can buy them, so convenient. You know when you get these little tops that come with them, don’t throw these away because you can take this off, turn it upside down, put it back on. You can transport it to wherever you have to take it. Or even if you’re destroying it refrigerator, it works well so hang onto the lids. Okay, first of all, this is called confetti pies. We’re gonna take a can of sweet and condensed milk. I’ll get my scraper here, clean it all out, we need it all. Don’t forget if you’re gonna make that apple pie, you’re gonna wanna have vanilla ice cream in the house I’m saying that for our director, who he knows who he is. But always it’s always appropriate with an apple pie anyway. Okay, and then we’re going to, this is lemon juice. This is about a half cup of lemon juice. It’s gonna counteract the sweetness. And I’m going to use my mixer ’cause I wanna blend this. Okay, mix this up until it’s well blended. Just like that. Until you don’t see that it’s a liquid anymore, that’s how long you wanna blend it. And then we’re going to add eight ounces of cool whip. Now, we have a large one, but I’m just gonna use half of it. And we’re going to mix that in with the sweet and condensed, milk and the lemon juice. Make sure you use about a half of it, easy to judge. And when we’re gonna take a break and when we come back, we’re gonna finish this pie. We’ll be right back in just a minute. If you’re just joining us, we’re making our confetti pies. We have an apple pie already in the oven baking. We’re doing confetti pies, which are no bake pies. We also have a berry, berry pie that’s coming up. But we’ve just taken our sweet and condensed milk some lemon juice. And now we’re incorporating some pool whip about eight ounces and we’re just next thing it around like that until it blends. Okay, now we’re gonna take, these are tidbits of pineapple that have been very, very, very well drained. And we’re gonna add that. Plus, we’re going to add our mandarin oranges that have been very well drained, just like that, okay? And then we’re gonna beat that, because this is supposed to break up. We want it to break up, this is called confetti pie. so be tiny little pieces of the citrus through that cream filling. And we’re gonna put that in our graham cracker pie shelves. I could see if you wanted to put coconut in here that would be great, if you wanna put some cherries in there that would be great. You’re supposed to beat this and beat it, until it’s really, really, really broken up very well, okay? This is enough to make you two pies too which is what I like. ‘Cause you could put, make one now and make one in the freezer for another time. Okay, this is basically, I’m really making a mess today. What you’re gonna have and we’re gonna feel one pie shell. Bring the other one down here. I like these kind of pies because they’re easy to put together and you can keep them in the fridge for somebody unexpectedly drops by, won’t take long for it to thaw, just like that. Try to make it evenly proportioned. Okay, little good smell is wonderful. Pineapple, it’s kind of like a nice light citrus taste to it with the pineapple and the mandarin oranges nice combination. Again, you could put some coconut in there if you wanted to or some cherries, anything citrusy. If you really wanted to get bold some sliced bananas might be nice on that. Maybe on the crust, I mean, let your imagination go. You don’t have to follow this completely and literally exactly like I tell you, let your imagination go. Now, when, get rid of some of this, when you have done that, you can then put it in the fridge and it should chill for four hours which we will do with these. Happen to have one right here that’s been chilling and you can see how it will sets up, we use the lids again. Look how nice and that’ll cut ’cause it’s nice and firm. When you go to serve it you’re gonna put some cool whip right on the top, just like this. You don’t have to put it all over, you can put just some spots of it. Sometimes I like to put it like, a spoonful every here and there so that whenever you go to cut it there’s a little bit of cool whip on every slice, that’s kind of nice, just like that. And then decorate it with some cherries or something like that on the top which we will when we come to the dining room, okay? So that’s our confetti pies, two pies and man, they’re gonna taste delicious. This next one is an awesome, awesome pie. And I know you’re gonna wanna make, so simple. The only thing you have to do ahead, is you have to make a glaze because these are variety of berries. And whatever berries are in season for you, that’s the ones you wanna use. I’m using today, I’m using strawberries and I’ve cut them up. So they’re all kind of the same size as the other berries if that makes sense. So we’re gonna use about that many berries. I have red raspberries, oh boy. You see, they’re not too hardily available so we couldn’t use too many of those. We have some blackberries, they’re beautiful colors. Blueberries which are so good for you. So we’re gonna use a lot of them, there’s the blueberries. And some wonderful red cherries that we’ve pitted cut in half, we’re gonna use a ton of those. We’re gonna use all of them ’cause they’re good, okay? Now, we’re gonna mix this around. We have a pie shell that’s already been baked and completely cooled. You want to do that ahead of time. That has to be cooled ’cause this doesn’t bake, all you do is assemble this after you’ve baked that. But we make a glaze and here’s what’s in the glaze, come over here with me it’s on the stove. Here’s our glaze right here. And it has a half a cup of sugar, two tablespoons of corn starch, a pinch of salt and three-fourths of a cup of water. And you’re gonna cook that 10 to 15 minutes till thickens. And then what you’re gonna do, is take it off and you’re gonna pour this glaze over your berries, okay? You’ll pour this right over the berries. You add a few crushed, like raspberries to it to give us some a pink color. And you’re also going to, if it doesn’t come out real pink add a little drop, one drop of red food coloring ’cause you don’t wanna white glaze you want something that’s pink, that’s very bearish, okay? It’s not probably not a word, but I just made one, okay? And now we’re gonna mix it again. Just much, just like that, around and around. This looks like a lot of berries, but you know what? The best pie I ever ate, was a raspberry pie that was this high above the crust. And it was awesome. Here’s a wonderful farm, not far from here that we go and get them occasionally when they’re in season. Then you just pile these berries and they’re beautiful. Oh, my blueberries, look at the color combination. You know, isn’t God awesome? He could have made all the fruits the same color, He didn’t do that, He made them all different colors. The red cherries, the blueberries, the red strawberries. Look at the green and the kiwi, look at the yellow and the pineapple, oh, my awesome. So we’re gonna put this, pile these berries into our pie shell, pile them up. They try to escape you get them back and you wanna just keep piling them on, ’cause this has to go into the refrigerator and this will cool and chill for a few hours. When that glaze gets cold, that’s what holds all the berries together. And I tell you what, it’s gonna be awesome. We’re gonna take a break, and when we come back, we’ll be in the dining room and we’ll be serving pie and coffee, I hope you can join us. We’ll be right back. Well, I hope that you’ll be sure to send for your recipes whether it be by subscribing at our website on, or if you would ask for them through the mail like you, we’ve been offering for a long time. Either way you’re gonna love the recipes that we did today plus the whole month’s worth of recipes that come to you at one time. Let’s start here with our apple pie. Look at this apple pie, is this awesome? It’s so hot out the oven, I can’t even cut it. It’s just, the smell with that cinnamon and you know what? The recipe doesn’t say it, but I just dotted some butter on the top of that because I wanted that to soak down through there, ’cause it looked a little dry but it’s gonna be, you’re gonna enjoy it believe me. Next to it down there in the front are our confetti pies. And we just decorated with some cherries, with that are still on the stems and some slices of orange just for a decoration on top of some cool whip. That is an easy to do awesome pie. This even Norma Bixler, my dear friend who happened to be in the studio, she said, boy, that’d be great for a Christmas. Wouldn’t that be nice, a very festive looking very, put some mint leaves on there to bring out the greens? That would be very nice. And in the middle of the two confetti pies is our Arlene’s berry, berry pie. Now, I have to tell you, you say that’s Apollo of berries? Yes it is, and you know what? It’s not overly sweet and it’s not overly tart. You sweeten that according to the taste and the sweetness of the berries. But that combination is wonderful. And I know that your family, when you pull that out of the refrigerator to serve, they’re gonna oh, and ah, and ah, and oh. And all we’ve done, we’ve added some wonderful, delicious fresh brewed coffee. Make a big pot, make a steaming pot of coffee invite some folks in for a piece of pie. We are just showing how many fruits are available. There’s all kind of fruits out there. You could put peaches in a pie like that, you could cut up some pairs, you could put plums in that. Whatever fruit is in season that’s the way you make a glaze pie. And don’t forget to add a few of those little strawberries or raspberries into the glaze to color it along with that one drop of red food coloring. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. It’s always great when the family gets together. You know you’re very important, you’re important to us because you’re part of our family. You’re important to God because He desires to have a relationship with you. And I hope you’ve made that important decision in your life. Be sure to join us the next time because it just wouldn’t be the same without you here “At Home,” we’ll see you then.
- [Announcer 1] Furnishings provided by Levin Furniture, featuring Lane’s Country Living Collection. Food provided by Jordan Banana Company, wholesalers of fresh food and vegetables Dravosburg, Pennsylvania.
- [Announcer 2] Cornerstone Television, wishes to thank all our faithful viewers whose consistent prayers and financial support have made this program possible.
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