Let’s go way back to 1993 in this special episode all about apples! Arlene shares her mom’s memories of making homemade apple butter in big copper kettles over an open fire. Her modern recipe is a lot easier, because you can make it in the oven. Arlene also bakes up some delicious apple dumpling rolls, and a health Waldorf salad with fresh apples. Yum!
Waldorf Salad
This is an old-time classic salad recipe.
- 1 cup mayonnaise
- 1/4 cup lemon juice
- 1 lb red eating apples
- 2 cups thinly sliced celery
- 1 cup chopped walnuts
- 1 cup dark seedless raisins
- lettuce leaves
- In a medium bowl using a fork, mix together mayonnaise and lemon juice.
- Wash, cut into quarters, core and dice apples. DO NOT PEEL. Combine with mayonnaise and lemon mixture and gently toss. Add celery, walnuts and raisins and toss gently to combine well.
- Arrange lettuce leaves on a serving platter and spoon salad onto lettuce. Makes 5 servings. Enjoy!
Apple Dumpling Rolls
Instead of a giant apple covered in pastry, these dumplings are rolled up like a cinnamon bun. Yummy!
- Pam nonstick cooking spray
- 4 cups flour
- 1 tsp salt
- 4 Tbsp sugar (for pastry)
- 1/2 cups sugar (for filling)
- 8 tsp baking powder
- 8 Tbsp shortening
- 1 1/3 cups milk
- 5 apples, sliced thin or chopped fine
- 2 cups water
- cinnamon
- sugar (for topping)
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray Pam on a baking pan that has 1-inch sides.
- In a large bowl, mix together flour, salt, 4 tablespoons sugar and baking powder. With a pastry blender cut the shortening into flour mixture as for pie dough. Add milk and gather ingredients until dough forms. Do not overwork the dough; handle lightly. Divide dough into 3 equal parts.
- Roll each part out on a floured surface to a square approximately 8-inches in diameter. Evenly spread 1/3 of prepared apples on dough. Roll up jelly-roll -fashion and secure by pinching dough along seam. Slice into 2-inch slices and place into prepared -baking pan. Repeat the procedure with the remaining dough and apples.
- In a saucepan, bring water and 1 1/2 cups sugar to a boil and stir until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat-and pour over rolls in baking pan. Sprinkle tops of each roll with cinnamon arid additional sugar. Sake in preheated oven for 20 minutes or until browned. Makes 12 apple rolls. Enjoy!
Oven-Made Apple Butter
As a kid, Arlene's mom used to help make apple butter in big copper kettles over an open flame. This recipe is a lot easier and just as delicious!
- 1 gallon applesauce
- 4 cups sugar
- 6 Tbsp cinnamon
- 1 cup "tiny" red cinnamon candies
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees
- In a large pot, combine all ingredients. Stir until thoroughly blended, then pour into a roaster pan. Bake in preheated oven for about 2 hours, stirring occasionally to keep from sticking and burning.
- Ladle apple butter into containers and refrigerate. It makes a lot so you can share some with your neighbors. Enjoy!
- Well welcome to At Home. We’re so glad you could join us today. It’s always nice to have friends drop by and I do count all of you out there as friends. You express yourself so beautifully in letters when you write and tell some of the deep inner most feelings that you have. And I do appreciate that because I know that I only express to friends my deep feelings. So when you do that to me, I know that you count me as a friend and that’s important to me. I know that sometimes there’s some things that you’re going through that are very difficult. And sometimes you can’t say them to anybody else but you write them in a letter to me because you feel that I’ll listen to them. And I do. And when you asked me to pray for your family, I pray for them. Pray for sponsors every day. People that make this program possible. And my viewers like you who are my friends, because if you weren’t watching, we wouldn’t be here. There’ll be no need for us to be here. So I thank you for tuning in. When “At home” comes on the air each week. Today we’re gonna talk about apples. A-P-P-L-E-S all different kinds. Red Rome, Jonathan, Mclntosh, all kinds. And I’ve got a few varieties here in front of me. I’ll start on this side. This is a Mclntosh apple. You can see that it has, not as shiny as skin as maybe some of the other apples but this is a good cooking apple. If you wanna make apple sauce, you wanna make apple pies, apple dumplings, sliced apples with some butter and brown sugar and cinnamon on them, bake them. This is what you wanna do. Fried apples. This is excellent. Right next to it is an apple and it’s a Red Delicious. And when I think of a Red delicious and I see the shine that’s on it. I always think this is the one you take to the teacher. You know, we’re back to school now. this is the one that you take the teacher. And you say “Hey teacher, I really like you. Think I cut an A on that test?” Well I think it takes more than an Apple. Anyway, right next to it is another in the delicious family. This is a Golden Delicious apple. These are brother and sister I guess you’d call them. And next to that is a Granny Smith. Now Granny Smith are a tart, crunchy apple. A good Granny Smith when you take a bite will crack because they taste so good. These last three sorry, the middle two are very good eating apples. Just to pick up an apple and eat. The Granny Smith is a good apple either way. If you like a tart apple, it’s good to eat. If you like a tartness in your apple pies, it is also a good baking apple. I like the flavor that makes in an apple pie because it’s got the tart and then you sweeten it down with the sugar or whatever. It makes a delicious pie. Well today on our program, We’ve got some good exciting apple recipes. Now I know that a lot of you remember making apple butter as little kids maybe or that your parents have told you about how they used to have to stir the apple butter out in the yard. And they would have it in a big copper kettle and they had a stir and stir so it wouldn’t stick. Mom used to tell me of that story that she used to do when she was a little girl. Well, I’m making apple butter today and we’re roasting it in the oven and honest it tastes so good. We’re also going to do some baked apples in the microwave. And a wonderful Waldorf salad. Of course, we know that the main ingredient in a Waldorf salad is apples. And then something called apple dumpling rolls. Yes, it’s a pastry. It’s got apples in it. And a syrup that you pour over it, bake it in the oven, bring it out. Oh, I wanna tell you. we better get gone because we got lots to do today and we’ll get things started right after this important message. Please stick with us. [Narrator} Here’s, today’s At Home hint to restore crispness to spinach lettuce or other greens. Soak them for just a few minutes in water with a little vinegar added. If you’ve got a helpful hint that you’d like to share with us, we want to hear from you send your hint to: “At Home hints” CTV, Wall Pennsylvania 15148-1499
- Well, we’re gonna begin with our apple dumpling rolls. I’ve taken four cups of flour Now you can do this by hand. But It’s just quicker and easier for me to do it with the mixer. And you’re gonna have the dough hook on. If you’re gonna make this at home. Four cups of flour and then I’m going to add a teaspoon of salt, right? And about four tablespoons, more or less of sugar, and now get hold onto your seats. Eight teaspoons of baking powder. I questioned the girl. I said, “are you sure eight teaspoons?” But she said, “yes, eight teaspoons.” Cause what this is gonna do, it’s going to cause the apple rolls to really puff up. And that dough, the only leavening that’s in it at all. And it’s kinda a puffier dough than a flat pastry, like a, not like a pie crust. It’s not a crust, it’s a dough. So I’m just mixing up the dry ingredients here a little bit. And then I’m gonna add eight tablespoons of shortening. And I like to put my shortening in cold. I like to keep it in the fridge as a matter of fact. Because if you do, it makes a flakier and a better type of crust. I just have had better success when it’s cold. When the shortening is cold. Lemme shut this down put this in because I just have a feeling this flour is gonna go everywhere if I don’t. And what we’re gonna do is you cut the shortening in like for high dough. And you know that that’s just you make sure you don’t put any liquids with it. It’s just the flour and the shortening that you’re using. And that’s all that’s in there. And when it gets to a little more souls, you know, you’ve arrived. Okay, I’m gonna give us a quick shot here. Now to this, we’re gonna add 1 1/3 cups of milk. Make sure that that’sβ¦ let’s just use some safety here and scrape down the sides to make sure we have it right. Okay. Start it up again. Now I’m gonna add the milk all at one time. Now you’re gonna gather this. You’re not gonna let this beat and beat and beat because if you do, you’ll have a tough dough. So once this starts to come together, you know you’re gonna have your dough. Push this down on the sides to make sure it comes together. And I’m gonna see it’s very moisture because there’s a lot of flour on the sides that have not been incorporated in with the rest of the ingredients. So let’s give that another couple of rolls around the pan. Meanwhile, what you’ll need for this is about seven or eight apples that you wanna chop fine. You don’t want the apples to be real big or thick pieces. These apples have been cut very fine. Believe it or not we have put an ascorbic acid on that to keep them from turning brown. But I think the lights cause a condition that this starts to get very brown. All right, when you get to this point, you’re there. And all you’re gonna do is clean off the dough. Okay. And put some flour out on your board. And we’re gonna clean the dough and everything that’s in the pan. It doesn’t matter that it’s not all put together. Don’t worry about that. We get done with it, it will be. You just don’t want it to beat and beat and beat in there because you’re gonna have a very tough dough if you do that. All right. Now, what you do here is you just push and squeeze to get this dough to come together. You could let it in there a little longer if you wanted to. But you don’t. This is not bread dough that you knead to knead a knead. You don’t do that. You just kinda push it together until it sticks together. Okay. At times takes a little longer than others. Not to worry. It’ll all come together. See how it’s forming already. Can see, it’s not that hard to do. This is a very, it’s a sweet dough. You notice that we’ve put sugar in it because that’s what the recipe calls for. That’s what makes it, unlike a pie dough. Pie dough, you don’t put sugar in because it’s a pastry and it’s not supposed to be sweet. It’s supposed to be flaky and crisp. And then your fillings is what the sweetness comes from. Well, if you’ve ever had a good apple dumpling, you’ll know what that tastes like. If you feel like you’ve got some excess flour. Just keep pushing it to the side, because this is almost there. I’m gonna roll it one more time, push it together with your hands. You wanna do that . Your oven should be on a hot oven, 450 degrees. That’s a hot oven. usually bake stuff at 350, 375 sometimes 400 but 450. But what you’ll do is cause this to instantly become, you’ll start it to baking instantly. It doesn’t bake that long. So you have to cook those apples thoughs. So it takes some time. Now what you do, you divide your dough into three equal parts. All right? Now push some of that flour, not too much flour, cause you don’t want it to be dry a little bit back out there and put your dough out. We’re gonna roll this into a circle of about eight inches. How many of these I’ll get to do for you, but at least you’ll get to see it. Feels like it’s a little bit wet, just lightly add some more dough to it. Don’t put a lot of dough on it. I’ve told you so many times before that kind of weather that you have can affect if there’s humid outside, if it’s, you know, if it’s raining, if it’s just a dreary day or whatever. Sometimes you know how the weather affects our spirits, it affects the outcome of what you’re baking too. Now you have this and you don’t want it to go too much thinner than that. Important not to. Now, I’m gonna add a little bit of cinnamon to my apples, just like this. Now you can do that to them when they’re like that, or you can wait until you get the rolls made and then put that on top. But I think I’m gonna like it better this way and we’ll just mix them up. And then you’ll spoon 1/3 of this mixture onto the dough and you’ll spread it out like you’re gonna make not rolls or something like that. That’s the same principle. You’re gonna keep one end of it where you don’t have much, because that’s where you’re gonna have to seal the sim of it. And if you make, if you put too much on the end, you know what it’ll happen. It’ll cook out. You won’t get a good seal. So you push them all out. Now there’s no sugar on these apples. This is just plain raw apples. That you’ve chopped fine. And starting at the one end, you’re gonna start to roll it. Right? Start rolling. Now I can tell that I’ve had a little bit of dryness here, so I’m gonna just add a little flour back here so that I don’t have a problem. Now we’ve got our jelly roll made. We wanna push it together to kinda seal the ends. And then we’re gonna cut these into two inch pieces the whole way down. Should get about four to five roles and you lay them on the side, just like this in the pan. Don’t lay the one next to it right up to it. But lay close by because these are gonna puff up as you’re baking them. Okay. Should I do one more you think? Why not? Let’s do one more. Because then as this is, as you’re rolling this out in a sauce pan, you’re gonna put two cups of water and 1 1/2 cups of sugar and you’re making a syrup. Now that’s sir, That’s where the dumpling comes in because that’s the syrup that you put over dumplings. And again, keep checking the dough. This is a fragile dough. You can’t like whip this stuff around every which way. I hope we’re not gonna run out of time here. Cause I really it’s how fast I can do this. Tell you apples are so good. And this time of the year, they’re so plentiful. And when you get to taste in them and you get apple cider and you make homemade applesauce and come home and there’s an apple pie you go Whoa, this is what I call good. Again you’re gonna roll them. Okay? And you’re going to try to seal. Some little pieces may fall out. Don’t worry about them. And again, you cut them every two inches should get about four out of each roll. This will make 12. Now see I didn’t seal that well and that one’s coming apart. You could make them to this point and put them on this cookie sheet and put them in your freezer. And I’ll tell you what, when someone drops by, you don’t even have to fold these out. All you have to do is bring them out, put them on a cookie sheet, pour the syrup over them. When you freeze them on a cookie sheet, after they’re solid, then wrap them individually and just put them in and bake them for the normal time. You’ve got fresh apple dumpling rolls. Now what I’m gonna do with this is make sure that they seal good because they’ll cook open. Now I’m gonna sprinkle a little sugar just on the top because that’s what it says to do. My friend said her family loves these. The syrup that you’re pouring on them is not going to come clear up in the pan. And the other thing you’re gonna add is just a little bit more of the Yeah. Of the cinnamon. Now my suggestion here is why couldn’t you put some raisins in that? Why couldn’t you put some walnuts If you like that? Use your imagination, all kinds of things you can make. If your kids, you know, if they really are into nuts, put some different kind put some pecans in there, put some walnuts in there, put whatever you want. Wonderful. Now the syrup, and this is the tricky part. We’re going to pour this syrup in the pan. And all it is is two cups of water and one cup, 1 1/2 cups of sugar. Sorry. Make sure that these all get submerged pour it over the top. It’s not gonna hurt it. You say, “but Arlene, what’s gonna happen to the rolls?” They’re gonna bake and they’re gonna so be so good. 450 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes. Check them after 20. If they start to get real, real Brown, then you’re gonna want to maybe turn it down to about 425 and bake for another five minutes. This has to be preheated and really hot. Be careful at this point. So you don’t dump this syrup all over you as you get it into the oven. In 25 minutes, you’ve got apple dumplings. Now, let’s see, we clean up here a little bit. I wanna show you the next unusual thing that we’ve made. And I told you about the apple butter. I remember mom making apple butter. I remember that was a big deal. She just tells us how fowl the year that was her job. She had to stir it. Well, there is a new recipe out and I found this. Maybe it isn’t so new since I found in an old cookbook. That you make this, this is apple butter that you make in the oven. Now you take stirs it out with a gallon of apple sauce. Right out of the can. If you can’t get in the can get jars that will equal one gallon. Then we take four cups of sugar, six tablespoons of cinnamon. And you know, those little red cinnamon candies that we all love around Valentine’s day. You take one cup of those. So you have to buy sometimes they’re like in half cup packages, get two of those. And we don’t wanna tire up the oven today cause we’re using for so many other things. So I have a roaster and I put that in my roaster. Now this is the apple butter after roasting at 350 degrees for two hours, this is apple butter. I wanna tell you something. When you taste that, you’re going to say, “Oh, Arlene, I got to have that recipe.” This stuff is so incredible. What I will do. I save the jars. I would keep this refrigerated. And once I had made it, I was at that point, then I would feel a jar up like this and I would put it in my refrigerator and I would bring it out and use it just as I needed it. Or I would use it in small quantities. Put it in some smaller covered containers. How about this in a couple of dozen of biscuits for a new neighbor moving into the neighborhood. Or how about this for an aunt who remembers what good apple butter tasted like but no way she’s gonna make it. Cause she just can’t do it anymore. How about that With a nice big loaf of bread? This is so simple. So easy and just keep it refrigerated. It tastes like the good old fashion apple butter that we all used to know and love. All right. Let’s I’m gonna leave that go. There’s some other things I wanted to show you how to make, we’re gonna bake some apples and I call these Oleen’s baked apples because she’s the one who told me how to do this. She takes an apple and cores it, peels it. And she stuffs some raisins down in the center. Now this is a microwave dish. Okay? So he puts some raisins in there. Put a few walnuts down in there. This is so easy. I’m embarrassed to tell you how easy this is, but it tastes good, especially when good fresh ripe apples are in season. Sprinkle a few more on top. Now I said, “well Oleen what do you sweeten it with?” Well, she said, “there’s a lot of ways.” You can use the brown sugar method, which is you just sprinkle brown sugar and pack it on the top. Or you can do the, see if it’s open. No, it’s not. Oh, there it is. Okay. This is the maple syrup one. And you just drizzle that going down the side of it or you take honey and you just pour it over the top Cause any of these things will add sweetness to it. All right? And let’s see. Let’s make another one with the maple syrup, and that will go down inside, And that will absolutely affect that apple for sweetness. Then she says, I put it in the microwave, which we’ll do for just about five minutes. And she said, when you can get this out of the oven, it’s a tender and that little bit of moistness from the sweetener, sweetens the apple and makes it brown on the outside, which is something that we want. Well, let’s see, I’ve done just about everything. The only one that I have yet to do is we’re going to make our salad, told you a Waldorf salad. I really need to clean up here just a minute. Excuse me. I can’t handle it when everything is a mess. Let me do a little maintenance here. Freedom. I feel like I’m very organized today. Do you ever feel that way in the kitchen? I feel like, Oh my goodness, but we’re gonna make it. Okay. A lot of you ask, well, what do you do with that food? You know, all that stuff that you’re preparing. I’ll tell you in this kitchen, we have a variety of a variety of the things that we prepare in all different stages of preparation. So your guess is as good as ours. We don’t know exactly what all we got to do here. Well, this is a Waldorf salad, which is absolutely one of the easiest salad you’re ever gonna make because again, the basis for it is apples. And we’ve used the eating apple, which is the red delicious, right? This is about four cups. Let me see about four cups. Yeah, something like that. Get my recipe over here. And what’s a pound. Let’s just about four apples. And we’re going to takeβ¦ We’ve just Cortland. We’ve left the red on cause the skin is good. They’ve been washed. Then we’re gonna add some celery. Celery has a crunch to it and that’s good with apples. Now we’re gonna add some raisins. It’s about a cup of seedless raisins. Walnuts are a big part of a Waldorf salad. And to my Manet’s, I’m gonna add some lemon juice. I think I’ll use the, the fresh lemon juice. And what we’ll do here is just mix it up it and pour on all the ingredients in the bowl, which will make a wonderful Waldorf salad. This is nice if you’re gonna have like a luncheon or somebody come over in the fall and you just want to do something special, something different. I think you would enjoy this maybe with a little fruity bread, like a date nut bread, or banana bread or something like that. It would be a nice addition for this. This is about a cup of Manet’s. This is we’ve used the reduced Manet’s with this and give them a little scraper here. Some nice muffins would be great with this for us, our salad to go with the salad and we want to mix it very well, but you don’t wanna get in there and mash up the apple. So just kind of mix it around lightly. And while we’re finishing this, we’re gonna take a break and tell you how you can get today’s recipes. We’ll be right back in just a minute.
- [Narrator] To receive the recipes presented on today’s program, plus many more great recipe ideas, send your best donation and a stamped self-addressed business-sized envelope to: At Home CTV Wall, Pennsylvania, 15148 – 1499. You’ll receive our leans heartwarming newsletter, “Enjoy” featuring an entire month of At Home recipes, including today’s mouthwatering dishes. Be sure to include the “Enjoy” issue number with your request.
- Remember now that’s recipe number 163, a self-addressed stamped business size envelope. And we will include all of these recipes and here they are in their final presentation for you. Here’s our Waldorf salad and they beautiful, very nutritious and very, very good, very tasty. Next to it is Oleen’s baked apples, right? Fresh from the microwave with the raisins in the walnuts. Delicious, good to cut me, meant for any kind of a meal and our apple butter is this chills down because it’s really hot, it will thicken. And as you can see, it has gotten thicker and thicker. We had Linda made us up some delicious biscuits. She makes good biscuits. And we’re gonna take one of these and show you the consistency of this apple butter. Okay. Everybody’s mouth is drooling here. We can tell what more could you want maybe on a piece of bread, crusty bread. These are my apple rolls that I, apple dumpling rolls. I’m gonna show you, we’re gonna serve you up one. This is just a suggestion you see, because you’ve put that syrup on them. They don’t have a hard bottom to them at all. It’s a very moist dough, a very soft dough. And as my dad used to do with Apple dumplings, he always poured milk over the top, little milk on top of that Apple dumpling roll. Now we’ve stirred up some suggestions for you and I hope you’ll take them to heart and this week make something good with good, fresh apples. Now the old saying is an apple a day, keeps the doctor away. Well, I think an Apple day will just keep you in some real good health. So why not try it? And like, I always say, be sure to join us the next time, because it just wouldn’t be the same without you here At Home. We’ll see you then. Bye bye
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- [Narrator] Fresh produce provided by Jordan banana wholesalers of fresh fruit and vegetables in Dravosburg, PA. Cookware provided by Wholey’s, your favorite gourmet deserves the best for less from Wholey Balcony, Cookware. Groceries provided by Foodand where the answer is always yes. Cornerstone Television wishes to thank all our faithful viewers whose consistent prayers and financial support have made this program possible.
watching the show for these apple dumplings today. However, Arlene is baking these at 450 degrees and the recipe says 350 degrees. Which is the correct bake temperature actually??? I’m sure that big of a change in degrees will make a considerable difference in the finished baked product…
Hi Diane, I would go with what the recipe says, as it’s possible that Arlene miss-spoke. 450 degrees seems awfully high for apple dumplings, which usually need more time to cook at a lower temperature to make sure the apple is fully cooked. Thanks for asking!