What’s this? An At Home episode that doesn’t feature any cooking? That’s right!
Back in the early days of At Home, Arlene devoted a few episodes exclusively to crafts and decorating. In this rare show from 1991, Arlene is making holiday wreathes! She’s joined by Lynn Bonacci from the LeeWards Creative Crafts company, which used to be a brand of craft supply stores. Lynn shows her how to make a “convertible wreath,” where the colors and decorations can easily be changed through the seasons.
Unfortunately, we could not find the crafting instructions that were supposed to go with this show. However, unlike in 1991, now you can pause and rewind the video to see how they do it!
- Hello, so nice of you to join us today on At Home. We’re going to be departing for the next couple of weeks from our normal format of cooking and baking and those types of things to bring you some very interesting programs that will help you get started to think about holiday projects and we have in the next couple of weeks some ladies who have come from the Leewards company and they have some really interesting things that you can get started with right now so you don’t feel any pressure. You’ll have plenty of time to get them done before the holidays get here, and they’re fun things, neat things. And my first guest is a lady who has been with Leewards for a few years now, but she was a legal secretary. Sheβ¦you don’t think that ladies that work in craft shops would be interested in the legal profession, but she was, and she’s going to be with us in just a few minutes. Get ready, get set, we’re going to go with these projects. We’ll be right back after this message.
- [Arlene Voiceover] Here’s today’s at home hint. When sending home baked goodies as gifts, write the recipe on the back of an old greeting card illustration. If you’ve got a helpful hint that you’d like to share, we want to hear from you. Send your hint to At Home Hints CTV Wall, Pennsylvania, 15148-1499.
- And here is my very special guest Lynn Bonacci. Nice to have you, Lynn, good to see you. You were with us when we did our Christmas show last December weren’t you?
- Right, right.
- [Arlene] And we had a good time. You brought all that, they were, was it
- Mop dolls We did.
- Mop dolls
- [Lynn] Right.
- And we had so many requests and we thought, getting ready for the holidays, why not go back to the source that we used at Christmas last year?
- Well, I’m glad you did.
- Yes, okay, tell me, what do you have planned here?
- We have an idea called a convertible wreath, Convertible wreath
- Convertible wreath,
- [Arlene] does that mean the roof comes down? Probably not, I guess, right?
- The point of it is that you don’t have to keep buying wreaths over and over again. You can make a simple decoration to go on top of them
- [Arlene] Wonderful.
- [Lynn] Okay, so
- [Arlene] in other words you’d use the same base
- [Lynn] Right.
- [Arlene] But you would just keep changing the look of it for every season. That’s a great idea.
- Right, so if you noticed
- [Lynn] We have no hot glue gun here which we had the last time when we used for a lot of projects because everything here will be temporary so that this can be changed. So I have this one already completed and this is a basic
- oh, it’s beautiful.
- [Lynn] Fall wreath.
- [Arlene] And these are like, what is this like they almost feel real.
- [Lynn] Mm-hmm, yeah, they’re beautiful.
- Are they straw?
- [Lynn] They’re, they are fabric. They refer to them as silk flowers, but they’re different types of fabrics that they use.
- And the ribbon is a fall ribbon that goes there.
- Right, a fall ribbon
- [Lynn] And this is just a very basic fall design. Fall leaves
- Beautiful
- [Lynn] on the ribbon, fall flowers, kind of non-committal as far as any holidays are concerned.
- Now when would you start to put this out?
- Usually like in September.
- Towards the end of September when it starts to be fall
- Yeah right?
- Right.
- [Arlene] And these are all fall flowers. The colors are very beautiful.
- Right and the craft stores always have these in advance. They are months ahead of the season.
- Leewards has loads.
- [Arlene] And they are one of the best suppliers of this type of articles, it’s great. Okay so then, the next season that you would start with would be what?
- Right, you can simply change this from just a fall wreath to a Halloween wreath. And you can get these little characters anywhere. This is a little witch on a pick and it’s already got wire in it and we have a styrofoam block underneath here so you can just poke her right in.
- Ah, I see, let me hold. Hold it for you.
- [Lynn] Poke her right in there and she can be bent in any direction so.
- [Arlene] So you would keep the base, but you just keep adding to it.
- Right, right.
- [Arlene] Okay.
- Okay and we’ve got a little scarecrow over here, you can stick him in.
- Stick him in too.
- [Lynn] Yeah, he’s kind of long we can just put him like, like that.
- And you know really then
- [Arlene] After that holiday is over
- Right, so this hangs on your door
- You would just take it
- [Lynn] Before Halloween, and then after the season, these come right back out.
- The thing that I found, I like the wreath look because I have a country type home but where do you store every time you change it and then you have nice, beautiful things that you want to store and you don’t want these to go flat, so you have to find the boxes and you’re carting them up and really you could almost change it monthly.
- Right, right.
- You really could, so this will save so much time, so much money,
- Right, and
- And creative ideas.
- The little things that we’re going to add and subtract here to change the seasons could really fit in a shoe box so that would save space and save time
- That’s wonderful.
- [Lynn] So then after Halloween, we’ll take our little witch out.
- Take those out.
- [Arlene] Now this fabric, can this stand the weather? Do you know if this is indoor or outdoor?
- This is really, this particular ribbon, I would say would be works better indoors.
- Indoors.
- Because it has, it’s treated with a type of chemical for stiffening quality, yeah.
- It’s nice and stiff, yes
- [Arlene] it is.
- So it makes up a nice, stiff bow so it’s better to be indoors and most of the time the silk flowers, some of them can stand up outside to the weather but most of the time they’re better they work better indoors.
- Okay, let me ask you
- [Arlene] Before we go on, for the base, approximately what would this grape vine wreath cost? Just for the base.
- [Lynn] They run anywhere from $3.99 to $5.99
- [Arlene] According to the size that you want
- Size and
- [Lynn] Depending on where you get them, yeah.
- [Arlene] And is this stuff hard to work with? I mean are they pretty round in their shape or do you have to shape them?
- Most of them you
- [Lynn] It’s kind of like a, you have to go through all of them and find them, yeah.
- And find them
- [Lynn] Because a lot of times like you can see here’s little ones poking up over here. Some are wrapped real tight, some are wrapped real loose.
- But I like the flatness of it because it makes a flatter base to work with.
- [Lynn] Right, and
- [Arlene] If they’re real round and bulky
- And the flatter you keep this, this part is a little high on this particular wreath, but the flatter you keep the design, the better it works between a screen door
- Sure.
- [Lynn] And your heavy door because a lot of times you’ll make this big, full wreath and then it won’t fit, so
- Won’t fit, right.
- [Lynn] Right, so you can stay a little flatter with your design if you’re going to put them
- Yes.
- [Lynn] between the two doors.
- It’s great. Okay, so we’ve gone through Halloween, now let’s go to what, Thanksgiving?
- Okay, so if we want to go to
- [Lynn] Thanksgiving, okay we’ve got all kinds of little berry picks and these range in price anywhere from 59 to 99 cents and we’ve got apples, and pears, and little berry clusters
- Aw, aren’t they nice.
- [Lynn] With pine cones. And you simply, like I said, they’ve got the wire on them already, and
- Just, and look at the difference.
- These go in.
- That’s incredible.
- In any direction, and you can add wire to them if you want to make them longer so they come out at different parts of the wreath Okay, so he can be coming out down here and always give a little bend to your leaves so it looks
- so it looks a little more natural
- a little more realistic
- [Lynn] Right, like you just want to stick that in. You can take this and bend each leaf out
- Bend them out, sure.
- [Lynn] You can separate the berries
- berries, yeah.
- [Lynn] So it looks a little more realistic. And this again can go
- That’s a very good point and it’s fine
- you just made
- [Arlene] Because a lot of people now see if it were me, I would take this and stick it in there and think, why doesn’t that look as nice as someone else’s? But it does take the time just to open them out because you wouldn’t see berries like that. You’d see them opened up, sure
- Right, that’s the key
- [Lynn] You have to think in your mind of what the real thing looks like. The real flowers, the real berries, and put little, just a little bend and a little curve.
- Bend to them
- [Arlene] Then they don’t look straight out and so
- We’ve got a floral designer at our store who, oh, if you don’t put a bend or a curve in your flower
- Ha, ha, you’re in trouble
- [Lynn] You’re in trouble.
- [Arlene] Now where would you put something like this? Now that’s, this is nice because it has everything on it. You’ve got the berries, and what are these? Like little cherries or something? What’s it supposed to be?
- They look like
- [Lynn] Crab apples, maybe.
- [Arlene] Oh, okay, yeah.
- [Lynn] I’m not certain, but that’s what they resemble.
- And then the leaf
- [Arlene] And the pine cone.
- Right, and you can, a lot of times since they do have bendable wire, if you want to extend them further, you know, you can
- Make it
- [Arlene] go the whole way around, sure.
- Right, you can twist the wire around parts of the grapevine so that they’re not hidden in the design
- It also gives a
- [Arlene] Complete new dimension because it extends it and changes the look totally.
- Right, you can go, you know, all the way around either side or cover the whole thing.
- Just think of the money
- [Arlene] That you save, too, by just adding a few little things, not a whole lot of expense at any particular time.
- Right and these items like I said are small and easy to take out and put back in and easy to store.
- Sure.
- [Arlene] Sure, great, okay so then that would be the fall. Mostly the fall, Thanksgiving. Now what would we do?
- Now we’re going to show you how we’re just going to take this apart and you and I together will build a Christmas wreath.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- We’re going to build, look, you’re asking me to help with a Christmas wreath.
- It’s simple.
- Actually, you know, I have to tell you while you’re taking that apart. Last year I went to, after you were on the program with us, I went to Leewards because we had some remodeling done in our home and I had new windows put in and I had to change all of my decorations. And I went to Leewards and I bought 12 grapevine wreaths and I made Christmas wreaths and I did the calico ribbon around them and I did some little teddy bears I made out of some kind of cinnamon and apple sauce type of a dough and honest, they looked so nice ’cause they were all the same and they, everybody commented on how nice they looked, put a little light under them, a little candle or something, and every window looked identical, and I was really proud of myself
- Oh, that’s a great idea
- [Lynn] Because I’m wild with the hot glue gun I want you to know that. I mean I can glue anything with that gun.
- I usually don’t pick up one without being burned, so.
- Really? Yeah, well now they have the kind that you don’t get burned.
- Right, it’s called a low melt gun. Yeah, that’s
- Right, yeah, yeah that’s the one I have now
- that’s a little better.
- [Arlene] Yeah, you kind of get burnt so many times without having an effect on you.
- I just wanted to show you that this was all nothing glued. This was just a piece of thin floral wire which comes in stems or on a paddle.
- Oh, okay.
- Like so and there’s a ton of it on here so you can get a lot of projects out of that, and this is simply tied around a piece of the wreath
- To get a start.
- [Lynn] Right, and this is on a styrofoam block and we have, right.
- Like this, right?
- [Lynn] And we have a piece of wire here so this whole thing just got wired right around there.
- So when you take that off, that’s ready for the next fall.
- Right. And that’s a
- That’s great.
- [Lynn] Lot smaller box to store this piece in. Because these can be, you can, you know, throw this in a garbage bag in the attic or whatever so just a smaller box, you know, maybe even a short box
- See, I can even
- [Arlene] See this in the center of a dining room table with a nice big candle. I mean these are so
- Oh yeah, a hurricane cover
- [Arlene] Versatile I mean.
- They are.
- [Arlene] So many ideas.
- Okay, we’ll take all our fall stuff out of the way here. Okay now we’ll start our Christmas wreath. And we start with just floral foam or sahara okay and it’s sold in packages like this so you can get smaller pieces, rounded pieces depending on your project, right.
- Shapes, different shapes.
- [Arlene] But you’ve cut that in half.
- Right, because it was a little high for the wreath
- Too thick, okay.
- [Lynn] And it was definitely too long.
- Now how do you decide
- [Arlene] If it’s too high? Like how do you know how high it should be?
- Well when I put it here, I have to figure it’s going to be here and then we’re going to have Spanish moss on it
- On top
- [Lynn] And then flower, so you get
- Be too much.
- Yeah, way too high.
- And I guess you compare this down with this knife? Is that what you do?
- Right, right that’s real simple
- It’s a good idea
- [Lynn] To cut it with just a serrated steak knife to make it to the size you want. Okay and so you start with that and what I did in making this wreath is I just picked a section of a wreath that I wanted to cover and all I did when I was doing the project is set it there. Okay, I think we were on this side, a little wider. Just set it there so that you get the idea of how far, it’s a little hard to do the design down here without hitting the wreath in the background. So I set it there, found a spot that I was going to do, okay and this is called Spanish moss okay and it’s sold in packages like this.
- That’s what this is
- [Arlene] Right here, right? It’s not very expensive. Dollar something for, and that’s a lot, isn’t it?
- [Lynn] Right, it’s a lot because you just pull out a little bit like this, tear it, it can be kind of messy though, okay and you just kind of stretch it out just so you’re covering the grain.
- [Arlene] Because you don’t want this to be showing.
- [Lynn] Right.
- Until you said I have a styrofoam block under, I didn’t know you had one there. I’m thinking why do they all, how are they all sticking in? I wonder how you’re holding onto that wreath.
- If you’re making a different kind of wreath, I mean you can just take the flower and hot glue it right onto the wreath itself. But then
- But it’s a permanent that’s permanent, right.
- Thing then
- [Arlene] But we want to change this in every season so this is good to
- Especially for a busy person who doesn’t have time to reconstruct a whole nother one and then the expense of it, too so you’re just kind of forming that around there and if you want to grab some pins there, these are called craft pins and sold like that.
- Yeah, and these are, they almost look like a
- Like a hair pin or paper clip
- Yeah, or paper clip
- [Arlene] That’s been opened.
- Right, right.
- It’s two prongs there okay.
- And that just, you just grab one of those
- put this on here
- [Lynn] And stab it on there.
- This holds it, huh?
- Holds it on in different sections.
- Now I have to tell you
- [Arlene] I’m not the greatest craft person in the world because I don’t have time. I like to do it if I had time. And you have challenged me, like on our Christmas program, you really did. But you’ll have to lead me totally through this because I have no idea what you’re going to do here. Is that enough on there now?
- Yeah, that’s pretty good, maybe one more right there.
- One more right there.
- [Arlene] Watch your finger, okay.
- [Lynn] Alrighty, we’ll push all this out of the way.
- Now when you start to do it, do you have a design in your mind of what you’re going to do?
- Sometimes. Sometimes I
- Sometimes just picture it and sometimes
- evolves when you get started
- [Lynn] I just pick the flowers that I like and go from there. Okay and this like I said, we want to set it on the wreath so we get some idea of the circumference and how far out we want to go and you can make this. That one was up the side and down a little bit now you can make this, you decide. You tell me how you want to do it.
- Me, ha, ha.
- [Lynn] You can do it like this so it comes out, it comes out two sides.
- Yeah let’s do one
- [Arlene] Like this would be the bottom and it would come up this way. What would you call that style? Is it, is there a particular name for it?
- I don’t know if there really
- [Lynn] is, is names for them.
- [Arlene] I like that look, though. Something different.
- Okay, then we’ll
- [Lynn] Then that’s what we’ll do. That’ll be the bottom of our wreath. Okay and you just want to keep in mind, we do have a bow which we’ll put on later, but you want to keep in mind that you don’t want to cover this whole thing because you do need a little bit of space for the bow.
- But you would never put the bow up here would ya?
- [Lynn] You could.
- [Arlene] Could you?
- [Lynn] You could have your bow at the top and then your design down here. Up to, you know it’s up to your
- Just depends personal choice, right.
- On what you want, okay.
- [Lynn] Okay, now I picked for us today this floral bush simply because it’s real bright and
- Yeah, it’s pretty too.
- This is a nice way to go because it has the flowers, it has a lot of greens on it, and it’s got these little balls on it, little berries
- berries. So it’s
- Is the camera
- [Arlene] Seeing that, Larry?
- [Lynn] It’s kind of got all three
- It’s very full, too.
- [Arlene] Very full. And the pine, the little sprigs of pine, here which are nice too because that adds another dimension of the greens.
- Right, right.
- [Lynn] And most of the time, yeah, these do have a little bit of wire in them so you can again bend them and shape them.
- What would something like this run?
- I think that bush was either $9.99 or $12.99.
- Okay, not bad. There’s a lot here to work with. Now you wouldn’t put all of this in here right?
- No, there’s more there than you need
- Than we’ll use today, right.
- [Arlene] Okay, so now what do we do?
- Okay, so now you’re going to pick up your wire cutters there.
- Why do I have to do this? You know I’m not the greatest person in the world for this.
- Okay, and you want, you don’t want to cut way down here because if you need a flower to come up here, you need a longer
- Long stem.
- [Lynn] piece of wire. So you want to pull one of these apart and cut down as far as you can there. Get my hands out of the way just in case.
- Yeah, please you need a nail trim? I’m good with these. Manicures on the side.
- So that’s all you do. You want to cut those apart and we’ll be ready to go.
- Now how many flowers like this would you put? I mean I know you would use more greens than you would use the big flower probably, right?
- Well it all depends. We probably will use maybe two of the large flowers on each side because we’re going to have some green, some berries, and I have some other red berries, and so.
- So would you cut this whole thing apart? I mean, if you were doing this at home or would you come a bit on the stem?
- Well, I Does it matter?
- I would
- [Lynn] Because I would eventually be using it in some other project, right.
- [Arlene] By the way, this cuts very easily and these are great.
- [Lynn] Yeah, they’re a little worse for the wear but they, they all want to
- It’s all right, they work.
- [Arlene] And as long as a tool works, who cares what it looks like, right?
- That’s right.
- [Lynn] Now they’re all apart.
- Now where do we put this?
- That’s for you. You can keep that.
- Oh thank you.
- [Arlene] You’re so kind.
- Now, we just want to look at, here, we’ll put all our berries together there. Okay, and we just want to see who has the longest, the longest stem, probably it’s these. Oh, pretty long, those guys are a little bit shorter. So you want to take the longest one now. You can do a balanced one, in other words, you know, one for one on each side or you could, you know, we do have this one that has a little bit of longer stem, so you can start with him and it can be up a little higher here
- up a little higher
- [Lynn] And a little shorter down there
- That’s nice, okay.
- [Lynn] And again, instead of just sticking that straight in there, you want to bend that a little bit so it’s facing you, okay. Now these, some leaves have wire in them. Let me see, these particular ones don’t. They just have a plastic in the back but the pine here has wire in it so you want to bend that a little bit and you want to give it a little curve so it flows
- Yeah, so it doesn’t with the form of the wreath
- look so artificial, right?
- [Lynn] Right, okay, and that guy. Now the only thing to this is you have to hold onto your foam block during this whole thing because it’s not secure
- because you haven’t wired
- Right. Down, right.
- [Arlene] Okay, how about if I hold the foam block.
- Alrighty, and that’s it, simple as that.
- That’s the beginning, now.
- You want to take one and
- Oh, sure. Now I would take a shorter one right?
- Right. Right, if you want to come down
- So one of these little
- [Arlene] Now would I want to put it right in there?
- You could do that. You want to, you want them two lined up, so okay if he’s going
- Maybe to the side?
- [Lynn] To that direction, yeah, you could come out this direction with him.
- And I need to just bend. Give them a little shape, and a little bit of this and I would want to bend this out this way?
- Yeah.
- [Arlene] Kind of like that, and just push it in here?
- Right, I’ll hold onto the block. There you go.
- Look at that, I am so good. I can’t believe this. I may, do you think Leewards could use me? Part time job
- I think so
- [Arlene] On the side, why not? Now, should I do the same thing over here? Or just one down here, do you think?
- If we probably did, well, we could do two in one, or we could do three in two.
- I kind of like the three in two because it’s fuller.
- Okay, so then we’d want to cut one down a little.
- Take that off, whoops.
- [Lynn] Yeah, so take him off of that there.
- Yeah, because you
- [Arlene] won’t need all that.
- [Lynn] Now we don’t want to toss that.
- But you would
- [Arlene] No, you would keep that for another project, right?
- [Lynn] Okay, you want to put that guy in there.
- [Arlene] Now I just stick them higher right?
- [Lynn] Perfect.
- [Arlene] Do I need to bend them a little bit?
- [Lynn] He’s good because he’s facing, he’s facing out. Oh, he’s facing out, okay.
- [Arlene] That looks so nice. Now do these need to be cut off? Or would you
- Yeah, they’re keep one longer?
- Probably going to be
- [Lynn] Let’s see. Well, we might keep them.
- Oh you would keep it now would you cover, will you put anything on that moss?
- Well, if we’re going to put one here and say we put another one about here, our bow
- Oh, we’ll cover that
- Is here, and we have all those to fill in close around the bow.
- Fill in okay.
- [Lynn] So if you noticed on the other one we didn’t see a lot of the Spanish moss.
- Larry, how much time do we have? Okay, I just want to make sure that we get to show this to everybody, the full, complete.
- Why don’t you cut him off a little bit, yeah.
- Cut this off?
- [Arlene] Six minutes, oh boy. We’ve got to work fast, huh. And I’m going to put this down in here. Whoops, help me.
- [Lynn] I am going to stem that way.
- [Arlene] Oh, I see. So he shows out this way, okay. And cut this one too?
- [Lynn] Yeah, I’d cut him right about there
- [Arlene] Same thing, okay. Ah. Here we go. Bring him up there.
- You can put him right in here.
- Put him right in here. Whoops. See, I have a tendency to get my fingers on the poor flower. By the time I get it in it looks like it’s been around for a few Christmases. You just bend it a little bit right?
- A little more like that. And I have our bow made up already. Okay and you can wrap the ribbon around the wreath like the other.
- That would be the same.
- Have done, right, the same ribbon.
- And you have a variety of ribbons.
- Tons, right. You’ll be in the aisle
- My goodness, I can’t.
- [Lynn] for a while deciding.
- [Arlene] I know! You would want to pick up because we’ve used the gold flowers, you’d want to pick up something on the bow because it just, it all packages together.
- Ties together
- [Lynn] So if we just stick our bow in there.
- These pins are wonderful aren’t they?
- And take a craft pin, we’re going behind there and just kind of stabbing
- Work it in.
- [Lynn] You have to work it in because the ribbon can be ornery. Not want to work with you.
- Do you need another one?
- [Arlene] Usually about two will do it, but how are we going to get the moss on there? I mean the styrofoam, how will it stay on there?
- That is just a piece of wire, again, I can show you on this here. I took two pins and a piece of wire just long enough to wrap all the way around the back of the wreath.
- Around, so that secures it.
- [Arlene] Okay, now what will we do?
- Well, you can add some red berries.
- Red berries.
- Pick up the red. We’ll need our wire cutters.
- Okay, and these I’m just
- Little bit of red will add so much to it, too, won’t it? When did you get started doing this, the crafts?
- [Lynn] I guess about four and a half years ago. I just took a floral design class and I had happened to be shopping in Leewards and they had a sign that said floral designer wanted and here we are four and a half years later.
- That’s great.
- Okay, and these have wire all through them. Okay, and put these everywhere and these can go out along the wreath.
- Just fill in, huh?
- [Lynn] And you would just fill in everywhere with your red berries.
- Now would you use any of these?
- You could, you could do the same thing.
- Let’s put some of
- [Arlene] those in too.
- Cut one of these short.
- Looks so much easier when you do it but I believe I could make this. I really believe if I were at home, and had this, all of this stuff here, I could do that.
- Anybody could.
- Sure, I believe that, that’s right because everyone’s so afraid of this. This isn’t, it’s not rocket scientry. It’s just your own
- No, that’s right.
- [Lynn] Personal taste. I mean if you like 40 of these up one side, then that’s what you do.
- That’s right, do it.
- [Arlene] And this would be a nice gift to give someone too for Christmas, wouldn’t it?
- Absolutely, and this is a great gift for a wedding to give the couple, a couple of these made up for the different seasons.
- Different seasons. Right, no one ever thinks of
- That’s a good idea.
- [Lynn] Decorations for a wedding or a shower gift.
- That’s right, you don’t. You tend to think they’re just seasonal things. Now would you fill in down in here a little bit do you think with some more of these? Or the berries?
- I would take
- [Lynn] some more red.
- [Arlene] Oh, it’s so pretty. I’m going to show this to our viewers soon as we get it all finished so they can get a look at that. We’re going to make all of these instructions to make all of this available as people send in we’re going to tell them in just a minute how to do that but, oh that’s so pretty. Can’t get over how pretty that is. It’s with the same wreath that we have gone through, what, four different,
- Right, all the seasons.
- [Arlene] Three or four different seasons.
- [Lynn] Got to find a home for this guy. That’s what’s great about the wire. You can put it in where you want to, and then bend it to where it’s supposed to be.
- [Arlene] Now see, I would’ve been thinking how can I get him way back here, and how could he be sticking in here if he’s way back there? But that long stem helps it a lot.
- Right, and that’s the idea. Some long, some short.
- Beautiful, is it finished do you think? Do you think we need
- We have
- [Arlene] Some other, we need something over here?
- Yeah, we might fill in with
- That’s where you use these extra little pieces of the greens, huh?
- Our greens, right.
- [Arlene] Yeah.
- [Lynn] Okay, so they’re kind of behind the flowers so the gold are sitting on top of them.
- Any more berries here?
- Okay, well.
- We’re going to keep working and I want you to stay tuned because we’re going to tell you how you can get these instructions and we’re going to show you the finished product when we come back in just a moment. Stay with us, now.
- [Narrator] If you would like a free copy of the instructions from today’s program, or if you have any questions or comments, we’d like to hear from you. Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to At Home CTV Wall, Pennsylvania 15148 1499 That’s At Home CTV Wall, Pennsylvania 15148 1499
- [Lynn] Okay, this is our finished
- [Arlene] Here we are, this is beautiful, Lynn.
- [Lynn] This is our finished project, and we don’t have, now you’re holding on here for dear life
- I’m holding it.
- [Lynn] We don’t have our wire in there yet but and as I said, you can add little Christmas ornaments on there.
- Mmm, that’d be a good idea.
- [Lynn] You can make a kid’s themed one with little teddy bears, there’s just everything, or white doves are beautiful on a Christmas wreath.
- Any idea what this would cost? This wreath particularly, just, how you have it decorated right here.
- I would say at least probably 30 dollars if you want to, if you’re talking about buying it somewhere with the labor included.
- But it doesn’t cost nearly that much
- No.
- [Arlene] to make it at home.
- No, I would say you could do it
- It’s beautiful
- [Lynn] For probably 15 to 20 dollars.
- And I think the colors would go with most people’s colors in their home if they wanted to put it above a fireplace or wherever and the front door.
- The whole point
- [Lynn] Of the convertible wreath is you can take it from room to room to room with just a few stems of flowers and some new ribbon and
- That’s great. Well, I thank you so much. This has been most interesting to me because you’ve challenged me. I’m going to make some of these for Christmas gifts.
- Okay, I expect to see them then.
- I’m going to try.
- [Arlene] And Lynn’s going to be back with us in a couple of weeks. You don’t want to miss it because she’s got some other interesting things that she’s going to be making and we are glad that we can bring ideas like this to you. Don’t forget, everything you’ve seen today has been at the Leewards Company stores, and be sure to be with us the next time because it just won’t be the same without you right here at home. Bye bye for now.
- [Narrator] Fresh produce provided by Jordan Banana, whole sellers of fresh fruits and vegetables in Dravosburg, PA. Groceries from Scozio’s Shop ‘n Save. The family stores that love serving you. Cookware provided by Wholey’s. Your favorite gourmet deserves the best for less at Wholly Balcony Cookware. Some of our guests stay at Al Monzo’s Palace Inn. Your home away from home in Monroeville, Pennsylvania. Cornerstone Television wishes to thank all our faithful viewers whose consistent prayers and financial support have made this program possible!
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