Thanksgiving Sides: 🍠Sweet Potatoes, 🍎Apple Stuffing, 🌽Corn Pudding & More!

Wait a minute, this doesn’t look like Arlene’s kitchen! This episode from 2005 was filmed at a friend’s house, because the studios at Cornerstone Television were being used for a different show. So as a rare treat, we get to see Arlene working in a new location.

Speaking of treats… if you ask a lot of people, their favorite part of Thanksgiving isn’t the turkey, it’s the sides! And you’re going to love the sides in this show: streusel sweet potatoes, apple stuffing, savory corn pudding, crumb coated cauliflower and more. Which ones are you going to make this year?

Streusel Sweet Potatoes

Course Side Dish



  • 3 1/2 lbs medium sized sweet potatoes, peeled
  • 3/4 cup maple syrup
  • 1/3 cup orange juice
  • 1/4 cup butter, cut into small pieces

Streusel Topping

  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 3 Tbsp packed light brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/3 cup pecans, chopped coarsely


  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Lightly grease a shallow 1-1/2 quart baking dish or casserole.
  • Cook potatoes in boiling water for 20 to 30 minutes, or until firm-tender when tested with a fork. Drain and cool under cold water. Cut into 1/2-inch thick slices. Arrange slices in prepared dish in concentric circles, overlapping slices slightly.
  • In a small bowl, mix 1/2 cup syrup with orange juice. Pour over potatoes. Dot with 1 tablespoon butter. Cover tightly with foil. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes, or until hot and potatoes have absorbed some liquid.
  • To make topping: In a medium-sized bowl, mix flour, brown sugar, and cinnamon. Cut 3 tablespoons butter into flour until mixture resembles very coarse crumbs. Stir in chopped pecans.
  • Remove potatoes from the oven. Uncover and sprinkle with streusel topping. Bake uncovered for 15 more minutes, or until the topping is bubbly and lightly browned Pour the remaining 1/4 cup syrup over topping and serve immediately. Makes 12 servings. Enjoy!

Apple Raisin Stuffing

Course Side Dish


  • 2 cups mashed potatoes
  • 2 cups chopped apples
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 2 cups toasted bread cubes
  • sage, to taste
  • 1 cup raisins
  • 1/2 cup melted butter
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 cup chicken broth (optional)


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 2 quart casserole dish with butter.
  • In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients until thoroughly blended. If mixture seems dry, add chicken broth. Pour into prepared casserole. Cover loosely with foil and bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes. Remove foil and continue baking until crisp on top. Makes 6 servings. Enjoy!

Butter-Crumbed Cauliflower

Course Side Dish


  • 2 Tbsp cider vinegar
  • 1 head cauliflower (about 1 1/2 pounds, cut into florets)
  • 2 Tbsp butter
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 2 Tbsp packaged seasoned bread crumbs
  • 1 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
  • grated Parmesan cheese


  • Bring a large saucepan of water to a boil. Add vinegar and cauliflower and boil for 6 to 8 minutes, or until crisp-tender. Drain well.
  • In a medium-sized skillet, melt butter over medium heat. Add cauliflower and season with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring often, for 4 to 5 minutes, or until lightly golden. Add bread crumbs, tossing to coat. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring often, for about 3 minutes, or until the bread crumbs are crisp and golden.
  • Stir in parsley and Parmesan cheese and serve immediately. Makes 4 servings. Enjoy!

Gourmet Mashed Potatoes

5 from 1 vote
Course Side Dish


  • 5 lbs red potatoes, cubed
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup cream cheese, softened
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • minced chives, optional


  • In a large saucepan, place potatoes and enough cold water to cover potatoes by one inch. Place over medium high heat and bring to boil. Reduce to medium heat, skim off foam, and cover saucepan with lid. Continue boiling potatoes until fork-tender. Drain off all water. Place potatoes back on burner with low heat. Shake pan to dry up any remaining water.
  • Place potatoes in mixer bowl, or, if using a portable mixer leave in saucepan. Add salt and pepper to taste and butter: begin to mash potatoes to break up lumps. Continue beating until lumps are no longer visible. Add cream cheese, sour cream and chives, if using and allow to w hip until smooth and creamy.
  • Place potatoes in heated crackpot and keep warm. Crockpot should be set on low. Makes 12 servings. Enjoy!
  • Note: Sometimes your potatoes may cook up drier, or moister, in which case you would adjust the butter, cream cheese and sour cream. They should be very creamy. Delicious!

Savory Indian Corn Pudding

Course Side Dish


  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 medium red onion, chopped
  • 1 red bell pepper, diced
  • 1 1/2 cups fresh or frozen corn kernels (if using frozen, thaw before using)
  • 3/4 cup grated cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 1/2 tsp dried basil or 1 Tbsp chopped fresh basil
  • salt and black pepper, to taste


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 1-1/2 quart shallow casserole dish or a 9 x 2-inch baking dish.
  • Heat oil in a skillet and add onions and red pepper. Saute for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and place in a medium­ sized bowl. Add corn, cheddar cheese, milk, eggs, basil, salt, and pepper.
  • Pour into prepared casserole and bake for 30 minutes, or until a knife inserted in center comes out clean. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Enjoy!


  • Well, hello and welcome to “At Home.” Today, we’re so glad you dropped by, happy Thanksgiving to all of you, to you and your home and your family. We’re so glad that we could spend this time together. You know, a lot of people wonder, you know, we focus this time in November for Thanksgiving, but really that’s not the only time that we should be thankful. I feel like Thanksgiving is an attitude of your heart. And you know, it’s easy to like, just be thankful if you remember to do it, not take things for granted. But we’ve got so much to be thankful for. We live in a wonderful country, the best country in the world, and God has provided so much for us. And we really have a lot to be thankful for. If you’re sitting there, and you can’t think of one thing to be thankful for, shame on you. Now I’m serious. If you got out of bed this morning and you’re able to function and move about, thank God. Here’s what the Psalm has said in Psalms:100, “make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands, “serve the Lord with gladness, “come before his presence with singing, “know ye that the Lord he is good, “is he that have made us, and not we ourselves. “We are his people and the sheep of his pasture, “enter into his gates with thanksgiving, “and into his courts with praise. “Be thankful unto him and bless his name “for the Lord is good.” And I can say a big amen there. “And his mercy is everlasting. “And there is truth endureth to all generations.” To all generations, that’s your generation, my generation, to all generations. So if you’ve not had a thankful heart, you’ve kind of been like in a slump a while, I wanna say today, as we’re preparing our Thanksgiving feast, start to change the attitude in your heart and say, “you know what God, “help me to be more mindful “of the things I really genuinely I’m thankful for.” We’ve got a lot of goodies doing today because we’re doing all side dishes, and it’s kind of a laid back Thanksgiving. This isn’t like a big, full blown, the masses are coming, this is just for four, five, six people just at a small intimate Thanksgiving. We thought we’d do that for something different. So hang onto your hats and we’ll be back right after the hint with more of our Thanksgiving dinner. Here’s today’s At Home Hint, “to thaw your turkey quickly, “immerse wrapped turkey and cold water “and change the water every 1/2 hour to keep it cold. “Thawing a 10 pound turkey this way takes about five hours.” If you’ve got a helpful hint that you’d like to share with us, send your hint to At Home Hints, Cornerstone Television, Wall, Pennsylvania, 15148-1499. Well, to begin with our Thanksgiving side dishes, I wanna make a wonderful sweet potato, it’s called streusel sweet potatoes, and what would Thanksgiving dinner be without sweet potatoes? That’s just kind of a tradition, started back, I guess with the Pilgrims. I don’t know in the Indians, but we love them. And all we’ve done was taking about six sweet potatoes or yams. Remember, the orange here ones are yams, the lighter color ones are the sweet potatoes. Doesn’t really matter, they have about the same taste. But we’ve boiled them for just a few minutes, peeled them, boiled them, and then let them cool and then we cut them in 1/2 inch slices, just like that. And we have them in our casserole. Now we’re going to mix together some orange juice. See, put that in our little bowl here, and maple syrup. Now, there’s a lot of different kinds of maple syrup, there’s some, it’s like all sugar and little maple flavoring. If you really want this to be good, get good maple syrup, that’s what makes the difference. And we’re gonna mix that together, make sure we know what we’re doing here, okay? Yeah, we do. And then we’re just gonna pour that right on top of our sweet potatoes. I like stuff that you can do ahead of time, you could do this like the night before, put them in the fridge, then just bring them out, let them come to room temperature, and then you’d go ahead right before you do your dinner, that’s great. Now we’re just gonna dot it with some little bits of butter, because these are gonna bake for about 1/2 hour, then you’re gonna bring them out and put a streusel topping with pecans and some little bit of brown sugar. Just make it like crunchy on the top, which is great. Now, I’ve been making that sweet potato stew flavor for the last few years, and I like it, but sometimes you just want something different, to go back to some, something that you maybe have done before or try something new. Now, my mom made the best candied sweet you ever ate in your life, but I haven’t had them for a while. And that, I was thinking about that this year too, but I think we’re gonna enjoy this one. Okay, now we’re gonna do that, and then we’re gonna cover it with some foil, and we are not in our At Home kitchen today, we’re at a dear friend’s house because I told you before, we’re still turning around from Pastor Greg from the taping of that. So, appreciate you bearing with us. That’s something to be thankful for, soon we’ll be back in our kitchen, right? Okay, now this is gonna go into a preheated 350 degree oven, and it’s gonna bake for about 30 minutes, okay? 30 minutes, that’s, I mean, that’s simple, and you bring that back out, and then you’ll take the foil off, and then you’re going to mix some flour, 1/4 of a cup of flour, and then three tablespoons of light brown sugar. Okay, and about a 1/2 teaspoon eyeball it of cinnamon. You like more, do more, like less, do less, okay? And pecans, 1/3 of a cup of coarsely chopped pecans. You like walnuts, you can use walnuts, whatever, it’s up to you. And this is just gonna go on the top when we bring it back out, okay? So we’re gonna set this aside. What you’ll do then, is just pour, put this on the top and you’re gonna do the streusel topping, that’ll make it bake it wonderful, okay? That’s the first one, simple aren’t they easy? Easy to go. The next one’s going to be our Indian savory Indian corn pudding. Kind of like the sweet potatoes, you always kind of want something corn, something like a corn pudding. Paul’s mom and my mom always did corn puddings and they’re great. It won’t be Thanksgiving without a corn pudding. We just sprayed our casserole dish and to, in preparation for our pudding, we have about 1 1/2 cups of the corn kernels, okay? And what we’ve done here is taken a red onion and a red pepper and just sauteed them together and a couple tablespoons of butter, and we have that. That’s going to go in to our corn, okay? And you just wanna make sure you get all the juices ’cause that’s good flavor. Smells so good. You know, Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time to incorporate friends, family, maybe a neighbor next door that doesn’t have anybody, doesn’t have much family, just, why don’t you include them in your festivities this year? I think it would be something that they would enjoy and it would make you feel good. They’d have a lot to be thankful for. Okay, now we’re gonna add the corn, now we’re gonna add some cheddar cheese. This is shredded cheddar about 3/4 of a cup, okay? And we’re gonna do some three eggs beaten, just like that. Look somewhat pretty good, okay. And then we have some fresh basil, about a table spoon of fresh basil. There is a big difference, it does make a, it does make a difference to use fresh if you can, that’s good. And let me see, make sure salt and pepper. How much salt? Let’s see. We don’t wanna put too much to taste. I would probably do about 1/2 a teaspoon in there. And then pepper, you could put cayenne in here, if you’d like, whatever, but I’m gonna eyeball that with about 1/4 of a teaspoon. Now we just mix this together, like so. Yummy, yummy, and we’re gonna add some milk. That’s gonna make like a custard for it, okay? Except really well together. The smell, this is just great. Nothing like that smell, that turkey going to town in the oven boy. With all the smells for this is great. Okay, now we’re gonna pop this into our prepared casserole, and we’re gonna put this in the oven, this one bakes for a 1/2 hour at 350 degrees. And you’re really gonna want to try to make things that the oven is on about the same temperature so that you can bake them all at one time, instead of like, oh, this is 375, this is 325, that’s 400. If you only have one oven, that’ll drive you nuts. So you don’t wanna do that. Try to adjust the times and the temperatures, or just make things that all have the same temperature. All right, this one’s going in the oven, for 350 for 1/2 hour, and we’ll be right back with more of our Thanksgiving dinner. Our next side dish that we’re doing for our Thanksgiving dinner today, is with a head of fresh cauliflower. And you just take it, and you cut it into the floret, that’s what this is, its a floret. And you put it in water with a little bit of vinegar. Vinegar gives it a fresh flavor and keeps it nice and white. Now you let it cool down. And now we’ve got some butter in our sauce pan here, in our fry pan, and I’m just gonna put some broccoli into the butter, like this. You don’t want them in little pieces, you want them kind of in the bigger pieces. You might have to do two batches at a time and you just, you’re just gonna let this fry up, get some color to it. And we’re gonna put a crumb topping on it, which is delicious. You’ll like that, but you put that on a medium high heat and let that cook for a little while and then we’re gonna keep coming back to it, okay? So we’ve got the cauliflower working in the skillet, it’s gonna cook for about five minutes, then we’re gonna put some salt and pepper on it and we’re gonna come back to it. In the meantime, we’re gonna make our traditional or non-traditional pumpkin pie, but this isn’t called pumpkin pie, it’s called pumpkin pie cake. I know, I’m confused, but it has the ingredients, the stuff that we like the most. And of course it has to have pumpkin. What would Thanksgiving dinner be without pumpkin? First of all, we take 16, 15 or 16 ounce can, which is one whole little can not the, you don’t want that, you want the pumpkin. And we’re gonna put that in our bowl. Meantime, you wanna have a 13 by 9 glass baking dish buttered really, really well because we’re gonna make our dessert in, okay? And there we go. Next, we’re gonna add a 12 ounce can of evaporated milk right in with the pumpkin. This is similar ingredients that you have with pumpkin pie, and so it makes it good. But this is a cake, it’s easier, I think it’s a whole lot easier to serve and also it goes further than a pie. If you wanna put an apple pie with this, that would be great, but just a little something different, okay? And we have a cup of brown sugar, three large eggs, okay? And four teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice, that’s what gives it the flavor, oh boy. And so there is pumpkin pie, so incredible. And it’s really a mixture of cloves, and cinnamon, and some mace, and that type. if you don’t have it, cinnamon will do very well. Okay, what else? Let me see if I have anything else, nope, that’s it. Now we’re gonna mix this up really well. You wanna preheat your oven to 350 degrees, okay? And this, you can do this with a mixer, you don’t have to, you can do it by hand. Whatever’s easiest, because this has to refrigerate. So you wanna make this the morning of Thanksgiving, you’d wanna make this like the night before, which is great because then you have it out of the way and you don’t have to worry about, oh my goodness, I have to get this done, I have to do that. Not necessary, okay? Now we’re gonna mix this well, and we’re gonna pour this into our prepared baking dish, which is right here. Just like that, nice and creamy, okay? Get all the goodies like mama says, you know? And you know, I always remember as a kid, Thanksgiving was one of those special days. My brothers, you know, they’d be, could wait for the football games to come on, or they’d be playing games and stuff, and mama and me would be in the kitchen and I have to do this. And she always made like a lemon pie, or some type of pie like that, that would have to be cooled down. And I’d be standing out on the porch, November morning, whipping this stuff to make sure that it got cooled down so she could finish making her pies, but oh, those are great memories. Just sitting around the table with my family, somebody there that was new or didn’t have any place else to go was at our table. I’m just taking one box of yellow cake mix. And all I’m doing is spreading this right on top of that pumpkin, dry, don’t mix it up, nothing. Just spread it right on top. Cover the top like that, all over, use the whole box, but make sure it’s covered well, okay? Yeah, there we go. Now, we’re gonna add some pecans, taking it to another level. I’m just gonna spread some pecans, you could use walnuts if you wanted, whatever you have, but you wanna do it evenly. And then melted butter goes on top, ’cause that’s gonna make it incredible. Now this has to bake for 50 minutes and then you’re gonna bring it out, let it cool to room temperature, and then you’re gonna put it into the refrigerator, wrap it and put it in the refrigerator and it has to chill overnight to make it really, really good. Let’s take a look back here again. Oh yeah, they’re getting there. Little by little, I’m gonna bring up the temperature little bit higher on this because you want these to really get going for you. And then we’re gonna, there you go, see how they’re getting brown. Oh, that’s beautiful, that’s what we’re looking for. I’m gonna go ahead with salt and pepper. Just lightly salt and pepper. If you like a lot of pepper, put it on, it’ a good time to do it. Okay, and we’re gonna keep turning these. This should cook about four or five minutes, maybe six minutes until you get a nice brown coating going on all of that. I’m gonna let them go just a little bit more, and while that’s going, come with me, I’m gonna show you this other incredible stuffing that we’re gonna put together very quickly, that’s totally different than probably you’ve ever tasted. We have the stuffing in the bar, but I thought let’s look for something. Okay, I’m wearing the flower there. Okay, this is so easy, incredibly easy. Two cups of toasted bread cubes. Take your bread, cut them in squares, put them in the oven until they toast and they get crisp, okay? Two cups of mashed potatoes. Stay with me here now, don’t stay all our lane please, stay with me, you’re gonna like it. Two cups of chopped apple. And that’s the Granny Smith, you can use whatever kind apple that you like the best. One medium onion chopped fine, okay? Get a couple of these big pieces out of there. And let me see, sage, we have sage there, a cup of raisins. This just sound incredibly easy, yum, yum. All the stuff you like, oh my. Okay, and 1/2 cup of melted butter. Okay, we have to get that, and then while they’re getting that, I’m gonna mix this up really well. See that mashed potatoes in there makes a completely different idea. I think almost everybody would go along with the apples and the raisins and the bread now, but you put the mashed potatoes in there. Did somebody make a mistake? Well, I don’t know, I think you’re gonna find this pretty interesting, okay? Then, while they’re getting me the melted butter, we’re gonna add that to this. Then we’re gonna add some chicken broth too, to thin it down. Now we add the butter because that gives it a flavor, okay? But we add this to really, it’s gonna be awesome. Put this in a greased casserole, like so, and this one’s gonna bake for about, see, 30 minutes. You’re gonna put the foil on it while you bake it and then you take the foil off. Of course, all these recipes are in our newsletter that you can get either through our website, the At Home website, or you can get them through the mail with a subscription or just send us self stamped postpaid envelope, and we will be glad to send you the newsletter that these will appear in. Well, you’ve got a lot of things going on. When we come back, we’re gonna be in the dining room and we’re gonna show you our entire Thanksgiving dinner, stay with us. Well, here we are at the table in the dining room, totally loaded with all kind of good things. But you know what? Even better is some friends have dropped by, Aaron and Trish, and of course my husband, Paul. So we’re just having a small little intimate, looks like a lot of food, Thanksgiving, but we’re gonna enjoy it all and we hope that you will enjoy yours with your family. Let’s start here, I just did the turkey breast this year, and just roasted it with a little bit of stuffing with it. Besides that, we’ve made our apple stuffing, which, that’s gonna be good, I think we’re all gonna like that one. This is our Indian savory corn pudding. Oh, I can’t wait to dip into that. Over here, we have the streusel sweet potato casserole down there in the front, and when you bring that out of the oven, you just wanna drizzle a little bit more of that maple syrup on top of it. Oh boy, this is our crumbed coated cauliflower, which is just something that doesn’t have a lot of fancy stuff to, but has a real good flavor. Added some mashed potatoes down there by Trish and some regular stuffing that we did in the turkey, the inside of the breast. And you know what? This is food fit for a king, but I was telling Trish, and Aaron, and Paul, at our table every year, my dad would have the Bible and he always read a verse. So this is appropriate, “thou art my God, and I will praise thee, “thou art my God, I will exalt thee “oh, give thanks and unto the Lord for he is good, “for his mercy endureth forever.” I hope that that is being real into your life, that you will gather your family around like we’ve gathered family and friends, and that you will really make Thanksgiving an attitude of your heart. It’s really, really important. You know, anybody can just say this or say that, but when someone says, “thank you” to you, don’t you appreciate it? Most of all, let’s thank God for the country we live in, for the freedoms that we have, for the worship freedoms that we have, because there’s nothing like being in God’s house, worshiping God and thanking him for his goodness. So I would encourage you, okay? You have a wonderful day on Thursday, you have all the ball games, you have all, maybe on Friday you do some shopping, maybe more shopping on Saturday, but how about Sunday? Let’s go to church, okay? I hope you have a great Thanksgiving and we’re gonna dig in here, dig in with your family, and be sure to join us the next time, because it just wouldn’t be the same without you here At Home. We’ll see you then, happy Thanksgiving, enjoy.
  • [Announcer] Furnishings provided by Levin Furniture featuring Lane’s Country Living Collection. Food provided by Jordan Banana Company, wholesalers of fresh fruit and vegetables in Dravosburg, Pennsylvania.
  • [Reporter] Cornerstone television wishes to thank all our faithful viewers whose consistent prayers and financial support have made this program possible.


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Recipe Rating

    • We’ve never tried it, but since the recipe calls for cooked sweet potatoes, you could probably substitute canned without any problem. Just be sure to drain them well, first!