3 Easy Recipes for Breaded Chicken: Parmesan, Potato Chips, and Italian

Although Arlene would go on to cook on other TV programs, At Home stopped producing new episodes in 2013. The last full season was in 2012, which makes this show Arlene’s final Christmas cookie episode! With help from Laura, she makes chocolate chip cherry cups, chocolate marshmallow melts, orange white chocolate chip cookies, pecan nougats, double chocolate nut cookies, and more!

Italian Chicken “My Way”

This recipe comes from Arlene's sister-in-law, and it's delicious!
5 from 1 vote
Course Main Course


  • 3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 1 cup creamy salad dressing (like ranch, Caesar, or pepper parmesan)
  • 2 cups Italian bread crumbs
  • 2 zip-top plastic bags (quart size)


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly oil a cookie sheet.
  • Pour salad dressing into one of the bags and bread crumbs into the other. Drop all the chicken into the plastic bag with dressing, close top, and squeeze and shake bag until chicken is evenly coated.
  • Transfer all the chicken breasts into the bag with breadcrumbs and shake until evenly coated in crumbs.
  • Place chicken on oiled cookie sheet and bake for 35 minutes at 350 degrees, flipping chicken after 20 minutes.
  • Throw away plastic bags, clean up the kitchen, and dinner will be ready shortly. This chicken is so moist… do not overcook it! It's done when it reaches 165 degrees in the middle when tested with a thermometer. Makes 3 servings. Enjoy!

Parmesan Chicken

This easy breaded chicken is great cut into thin slices and served on a salad.
5 from 1 vote
Course Main Course


  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise (I prefer Hellman's)
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves
  • 4 tsp Italian bread crumbs


  • Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Butter a baking dish. In a bowl, combine mayonnaise and Parmesan cheese. Pour breadcrumbs into a shallow pie plate or dish.
  • Wipe chicken breast halves dry with a paper towel. Using a small rubber spatula or a food brush, coat chicken breast halves with mayonnaise mixture, then roll in breadcrumbs, pressing lightly to help crumbs stick.
  • Bake in a preheated oven for 20 minutes or until thoroughly cooked. Makes 4 servings. Enjoy!

Potato Chicp Chicken

Galen and Susan
This is so easy and so crunchy!
5 from 1 vote
Course Main Course


  • 6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 1 big bag crushed potato chips, plain or your favorite flavor (about 2-3 cups, crushed)
  • 4 Tbs sour cream
  • 2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
  • 6 tsp butter


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease baking dish.
  • Place sour cream into bowl and, using a brush, coat each chicken breast completely. Place crushed potato chips into a pie pan and place coated breasts into the chips and coat thoroughly, pressing chips onto the chicken so they stick. Place coated chicken pieces into prepared baking dish.
  • In a small saucepan, melt butter and add garlic. Let cook 1minute, then drizzle over chicken pieces. Place into preheated oven and bake 45 minutes to 1 hour, or until golden brown and chicken is 165 degrees inside when tested with a thermometer. Makes 6 servings. Can be served with mashed potatoes. Enjoy!


Hello and welcome to “At Home” today. Boy, are we glad that you dropped by. Hope you’re having a wonderful day. And if you aren’t, just remember, tomorrow’s another day. You get another chance at this. This is not the only day you’re gonna have. And each day, you know, the Lord says, “This is the day that the Lord hath made, and we will rejoice and be glad in this day.” Now you say, “Arlene, you don’t know what my day is like.” No, I don’t, but I also know that, no matter what it is, God said, “This is the day that the Lord hath made.” Let’s rejoice. You say, “How could I rejoice in the middle of the problem?” You can. The only way you can is because you trust the Lord. When you trust the Lord, then you can rejoice in the good times, the bad times, the sad times, the happy times, anytime. And just that knowledge that Jesus is Lord, and that God, the father, loves you, no matter how you are, no matter what you’re going through. No matter what it looks like, he loves you. He cares about you and that, because of him, you can have a good day. Let me read a couple letters we’ve gotten. This one is B… I can’t tell you the last name. This is just B. She says, “I saw your program for the first time, and I love it. All those recipes for snacks and dips, please send them to me. I really need them. Your TV friend, B.” Thanks, B. That’s zip code 53142. I have no clue where that is, but thank you. I know it’s not in this area. Appreciate it. “Dear Arlene, I am a relative newcomer to your wonderful program. I’ve only seen the December 7th and 14th shows, but I will be a regular viewer. I would like to request the recipes. I am enclosing a small gift. I wish I could send more, and I shall be able to after the expenses of the holidays. A blessed holiday to you and your dedicated staff.” And she’s from Johnstown, PA. Thank you so much. Appreciate that, Betty. I have to say that she hit on two words, “dedicated staff.” You have to know that this staff is very dedicated, and I really appreciate them. Don’t talk too much about them, but they are part of a team that God’s put together, and I pray God’s richest blessings on every one of them. And you know, when you’re thinking of CTV, pray for the staff ’cause we could really use your prayers, okay? Well, we’re gonna do some chicken entrees today, some different ways to make chicken breast. You’re always looking for it; so am I. So today, we’re gonna show them to you, and right after the hint, we’ll be back to get started. Here’s today’s At Home Hint. Always baked chicken on medium heat, since a high heat setting will result in drier, stringier chicken. Bake just to 180 degrees internally, or chicken will be underdone or too dry. If you’ve got a helpful hint, we’d like to hear from you. Send your hint to At Home Hints. Cornerstone TeleVision, Wall, Pennsylvania. 15148-1499. This first chicken recipe, it’s called Italian Chicken My Way, and this is my sister-in-law who lives in Delaware. This is her idea. And all she does, she takes, like, two cups of Italian breadcrumb, puts it in a quart-sized bag… I think we might need the larger bags. Patty, can I get you to get me some larger bags? That’s a lot in there. We’re gonna go from a quart-sized because we have to put the chicken breasts in there. They’re not gonna fit. Okay, we’ll do it the other way. And little coarse correction here. Thanks, Pam. Yeah, this will be better. ‘Cause you don’t do these one at a time; you do them all at once. And I know that’s not gonna work, okay? So we have that there, and then we’re gonna do one cup of any kind of a creamy dressing, like ranch Parmesan, Parmesan peppercorn, ranch with bacon. One cup. And you’re just gonna put that right in there. You can pour that right outta the bottle; you don’t have to measure it. But this is pretty interesting. We did… I was part of a recipe exchange. I don’t know, on the internet, if you… Any of you out there have been doing that, but it’s kind of fun ’cause you put your name on the top, and then you… Two people later send you so many recipes or whatever. And my sister-in-law, this was the one that she did. Everybody’s telling me, “Oh that recipe is so good for that chicken.” I was like, “Okay, well how about sending it to me,” you know? All right, so we’re gonna put, now, all the chicken, all the pieces… This is, like, three, okay? That’s gonna get closed up in the bag like that. And now you’re just gonna give it a coating. All the breast, just like that. That’s pretty cool, huh? Now, this is what I think’s interesting. You open this bag, and you dump the whole bag, everything that’s in here, into this bag. Don’t you love the clean up on this? Oh, yes. Just like that. Dump it all in there, okay? And you throw this one away. Now, likewise with this… You give it the once over. How easy is this? Can you imagine if you had a lot of chicken to do for, like, a picnic or something? Wouldn’t this be fabulous? Okay. Gonna lightly spray my pan. This is gonna go into a 350 degree oven, and it’s gonna bake for about 20 minutes. Look how nice that came out. Isn’t that cool? Wow. Oh yeah. I’m sure you could have done a few more, like, maybe four or five. Simple, easy, toss this away. That’s the end of that chicken. Didn’t have to mess with; isn’t that great? I think that’s fabulous. Okay, we’re gonna put this in the oven. Just wanna make sure I got everything here. They say this chicken is so moist. Let’s do it in the bottom one ’cause that one’s a little higher. Here we go. For about 20 to 25 minutes. And you’re done; 20 to 25 minutes. I’m sorry, 35 minutes. The other one’s 20. But you wanna always make sure that the chicken is done well. You don’t wanna be, you know, bringing it out, and it’s not done ’cause that’s really a downer. No good, okay. Little clean up here. Now, the second one… This is one that’s so easy. This is called Parmesan chicken. This one is great if you’re making… A lot of people are doing those salads now with the chicken on top. This would be great for that. You could also cut these in strips if you wanted to. Simple. Again, we’re gonna spray. And use the butter flavored, okay? And then all we do, with each chicken breast… We’re just gonna paint it. That’s right, paint. Paint it with mayonnaise. I’m sorry. We’re gonna dump this in here. I was gonna sprinkle it, but I think I’ll do it the other way. We’re gonna mix the mayonnaise and the Parmesan together, like that. Mix it around. Get it well combined. There we go; that’s gonna be better. Now, we’re gonna start again. We’re gonna paint the chicken breast, front and back, with the Parmesan-mayonnaise mixture, and then we’re gonna lay it into our casserole, just like this. Okay. Get it all covered ’cause this browns up and it’s beautiful. Tasty, crunchy, and delicious. And you could just… You know, if you’re gonna make a lot, just change the amount. Keep adding to it, really. But you wanna make sure it’s all covered, like that. And our last piece. When you’re buying chicken breasts for something like this, try to get them all… Or cut them into pieces that are similar in size because, if you don’t, if there’s some big and some small, the big ones won’t be done; the small ones will be overdone. That’s not good. So now, once you get them in the dish… Don’t wanna crowd them too much. What you’ll wanna do is wipe your hands first, and then just go ahead and put some more. Any spots that you see that you haven’t covered, go ahead and put some more on there. Okay. Just like that all over. This is… You know, chicken is so versatile, and we’re eating more and more chicken. People are writing, “Do you have any more ideas for chicken ’cause we’re all getting tired of the same ones, same ones, same ones?” So I think you’ll like this, and this is easy. The kids could make this while you’re, you know, on the way home from your work, job, or whatever. But something the kids could do. Now, this one goes in a hot oven. This will be 425. This is the 20 minute one, okay? Now, you know, if you really wanted to, you could put, like, some other kind of herbs on there. If you wanna spice it up, you could throw some dill, some Parmesan… Not Parmesan, some basil, anything that like… Like, your family really likes. Oregano. Why not Italian seasoning? It’ll all be good. We’ll be right back with some more chicken entrees. Stay with us. Well, we’re back here in the kitchen, and we’re doing chicken entrees today. I hope you saw, we’ve got two in the oven already. By the way, on that last one with the Parmesan, we just sprinkled a few… Let’s take a look, Larry; come on. What we did here… I just put a few Italian breadcrumbs on the top, sprinkled that on, and that will crisp up and that will make it wonderful in addition to that Parmesan cheese that’s in there. That will be great. You don’t wanna leave that important step out, okay? All right, in this pan we have six teaspoons of butter and we have two cloves of minced garlic. And what we’ve done, we’ve just swept that down a little bit. Melt it; you don’t want it to fry. You don’t want it to saute. You just want it to melt. This one is from some very dear friends of mine, Galen and Susan are in the Union Town area. You know who you are. We got this recipe, and he’s telling me, “This is really good, Ar. You gotta try this one.” I said, “Okay, if you say so.” We have some sour cream here, and what we’re gonna do is take our chicken breast, and we’re just gonna spread sour cream on the chicken breast. Really, the reason you do that is to keep something moist near the chicken so that it doesn’t dry out in the process of the baking. And then what we have here is potato chips. And you can use any flavor, sour cream and onion… They have Mesquite flavor, whatever you like. This happens to be barbecue. We thought we’d try it with barbecue. And plain, okay. And you just crush ’em in a bag, like this. Get the rolling pin out if you want them really, really fine. That’s a good idea. Then what you’re gonna do is take your breasts, like this, put it in the… Then, you’re gonna cover it with sour cream ’cause that’s what’s gonna make it stick, okay? Simple, easy to do. Then, you’re gonna turn that over. Make sure it gets coated. I’m gonna press them in, like that. Really press them in. I can imagine this will be very crunchy. Oh, yes. And you’re gonna put that in your dish, okay? Let’s do another one. Again… Let me get that off of there. My kitchen shears. Cut that extra little piece there we don’t need. And you’re gonna sour cream on one side. Like that. See, did you notice that there’s no salt and pepper on any of these? It’s because the ingredients that you’re using already contain salty… Like, this would be the potato chips. The other would be the Parmesan cheese. And they already contain that, so you don’t have to do that again. Now, I wanna remind you, anytime you’re using… We all know about the safety with chicken. But since you’re putting that back in, you can’t use the that for anything else. Don’t put that back in the carton. Would not be a good idea, okay? ‘Cause that would be contaminated. Kind of makes you feel weird, the way they talk about contamination, and we’re eating it. Okay, scary to me sometimes. But just pat it down. Good and hard. Then, turn it over, like that. This would be great for a picnic. Oh, I can just imagine because what we’re gonna do, once we get this all done, is we’re gonna put that butter and garlic… Drizzle that over the top. I think this is gonna be one you’re gonna wanna… You’re gonna wanna keep, but we’ll see. I like trying new recipes because you don’t know what to expect, you know? You never know how it’s gonna turn out. Okay. Something’s going on. The crew’s all talking and mumbling back there. I wonder what’s happening. Usually, that means there’s danger and there’s a fire in the kitchen, but maybe not today. Is it, Mike; is there a fire in the kitchen? No fire. Whitney sounds like she’s calling the police over there. Okay, just press that nice, and there we go. It’s amazing how many of our crew are, like, learning to cook through our endeavors, which makes me feel happy ’cause I feel like at least they’re trying, you know? Okay, let’s do some plain ones now. Again, just put this like so. And this goes into… Whoops, the wrong one. This goes into a 350 degree oven, and they bake for about an hour or even a little bit less than that. Depends on how thick and how big the breasts are, okay? Okay. Yummy, yummy, yummy. You can just turn that off, Mike, if you wouldn’t mind. Okay. The hardest part of this is just getting this part of it done, but I’m sure you could do it earlier and let them set and then put them in the oven when you’re ready to bake. Time for supper. You know what, while I’m finishing this, we’re gonna take a break. When we come back, we’re gonna show you the final product. Stay with us now. Well, here we are with our final shots of the entrees of chicken that we made today. I tell you what, this was such fun. Here on the first plate, we have the Italian Chicken My Way. Remember, we did it with a Ziploc bag, and all we did was put some Rice-a-roni with it. Look how nice that chicken comes out beautifully. And then just a little couple of peaches and some cottage cheese and a couple of cherries on top. That’s a wonderful, well-balanced meal right there. I might caution you, if you have a problem with too much sodium or you have high blood pressure, you wanna stay away from these prepared box mixes because they are loaded with sodium. But you know, you could boil some rice and just butter some rice or butter some noodles, something like that. Any of that would go well with that particular chicken. Next to it, here, is the potato chip chicken. Now, look at that; is that beautiful? And it’s as tender as it can be. Cooks up beautifully tender and moist. A little crunch to it. If your kids like crunchy chicken, that would be the way to go. And we added some fresh broccoli, just cut in florets. You know, the best way to do that broccoli is in the microwave ’cause look how vibrant and green it is. It’s beautiful. And we just put… Actually, I just took a little bit of butter and put a clove of garlic in it and just sweated it up, not chopped it up or anything, and just poured that on to bring the essence of the garlic to that. That’s wonderful. And then just a little squeeze of fresh lemon and mashed potatoes. That’s what Galen said goes really good with this, is mashed potatoes, which we did. And then here, we took our Parmesan chicken, and we put it on a steak salad. Doesn’t that look good? I tell you, that’s a meal right there that I dunno what else you would need. Maybe a hard boiled egg on there or something like that. But I tell you, that’s a wonderful salad. Very filling, very good for you. And you get that taste of the Parmesan cheese on the chicken, and that also helps with the salad when you’re taking salad. The combination of the salad and the Parmesan is very, very good. Added just a ranch… Good old ranch dressing to it. And you have three meals. I don’t know how much easier they could be. Any one of them is very easy to do. So I hope that that kind of gives you some ideas of what to fix for your family maybe tonight or tomorrow night or the next time they’re all getting together. I wanna talk to you about our website. We have made some changes here at Cornerstone at the website, at ctvn.org, and as a result, we’re having a little glitch problem, and we hope that you haven’t been emailing us and been feeling frustrated ’cause we have not got back to you. There’s just a breakdown, and we’re working diligently. We’re all working on it to really change it. However, if you are having a problem, if you have a comment, if you have a question, if you have a recipe you’d like to send to me, I’m gonna give you my own personal email address, and it’s awskitchen… A-W-S, Arlene Williams kitchen. Awskitchen@aol.com. Until we get the glitch fixed up, if you want to email me directly, you can do it there, okay? Because we don’t want… We know you have subscriptions that you maybe having problems with. I would just ask for your patience ’til we can work it out. And we wanna work it out so it’s better for you. It’ll be more accessible, easier to work with. So please bear with us while we’re making these transitions. And if you know anything about computers, you know one little glitch can throw everything off. And our guys here are working diligently to repair that. So if you have a subscription and you know that it’s run out in the month of February or March or whenever and you don’t want to miss any of the recipes, then you’ll want to be sure to reregister and resubscribe. And I do thank you so much for your patience in this because we really wanna make it right. We want to do the best that we can. Well, I hope that our chicken dishes today will give you some idea for dinners down the road. And chicken is good for you. You could do this with turkey if you wanted to. Probably could even do it with pork chops. There’s a thought; something different. Always looking for something new and fresh because we care about you, family. And I know if you’re asking me, writing me, and saying, “Hey, you know, what about some chicken entrees,” that’s why we bring them to you because there’s a zillion ways to make chicken. And we’re we’re about at 999,000, I think. You know, but anyway, it’s something new and different. I thank Galen and Susan for the recipe. My sister-in-law Delaware, thank you. And thank you because, without you, this wouldn’t be possible. We appreciate all of you that have even got our cookbooks to keep us on the air… Help to keep us on the air. And during our telethons, you have made a commitment to send us a pledge. I appreciate that because, you know what? Without you, it just wouldn’t be right. So thank you, family. Be sure to join us the next time because it just wouldn’t be the same without you. God bless

  • [Narrator] Furnishings provided by Levin Furniture, featuring Lane’s “Country Living” collection. Food provided by Jordan Banana Company, wholesalers of fresh fruit and vegetables in Dravosburg, Pennsylvania.
  • [Narrator] Cornerstone Television wishes to thank all our faithful viewers whose consistent prayers and financial support have made this program possible.


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Recipe Rating

  • I Have been watching the at home with areleen for a few years.My husband and I enjoying it everyday that its on. Can’t wait too see it on.We both know that she’s not with us anymore, But its such a joy too see her and everyone who also helps with show.God bless this station everyone who makes it special.

    • Thank you so much for being a part of our “At Home Family!’ We’re glad you enjoy the show.

    • Sorry about that! We must have made a mistake when typing up the recipe. Some of the steps were missing. It has been fixed!

  • 5 stars
    I love Arlene’s recipes and how she presents them. She was so down to earth and more like us folks out here in the real world. She is so much better and more enjoyable to watch than those fancy Food Network shows. Her recipes that I have made are wonderful. Thank you for keeping her show on I watch everyday.