It’s time for a summer celebration on At Home! We’re going all the way back to 1992 with these classic episode. Arlene is cooking up a 4th of July feast with firecracker baked chicken, patriotic potato salad, baked beans, corn on the cob, marshmallow brownies, and more! Plus, she shares a neat tip on how to make sure you always have hot dogs ready to eat for the kiddos.
Patriotic Potato Salad
- 3 lbs red or white potatoes
- 1/2 cup onion, chopped
- 1/2 cup celery, chopped
- 1 Tbsp parsley
- 6 eggs hard boiled and chopped
- salt and pepper
- 1/2 tsp celery seed
- 1/2 tsp paprika plus
- 2 cups mayonnaise
- 1 egg hardboiled and sliced
- Cook potatoes in their skins until they can be easily pierced with a fork. Let cool, then peel skins off. Cut into cubes and place in a large bowl.
- Add all ingredients except mayonnaise and sliced egg and combine thoroughly.
- Add mayonnaise and mix well to coat.
- Spoon onto a serving dish and smooth the top. Sprinkle with additional paprika and garnish with sliced egg. Refrigerate until well chilled. Makes 6-8 servings. Enjoy!
Firecracker Baked Chicken
- 1 broiler-fryer, skinned and cut up (2 1/2 -3lb)
- 3/4 cup mayonnaise
- Tabasco
- 1 cup cornflake crumbs
- 1.2 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
- salt and pepper
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Mix mayonnaise with Tabasco sauce. Brush chicken with mixture.
- In a plastic bag, combine the remaining ingredients and shake to blend thoroughly. Place chicken pieces into the plastic bag, one piece at a time, and shake to coat chicken.
- Place chicken in a 13 x 9 inch baking dish and bake for 1 hour or until tender. Makes 3-4 servings. Enjoy!
All American Baked Beans
- 2 large cans Bush's baked beans
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 1/2 cup ketchup
- 1/2 cup onion, chopped
- 1/2 cup green pepper, chopped
- 1/3 cup maple syrup or honey
- 2 tsp yellow mustard
- 3 hot dogs, cut up
- 1/4 lb bacon
- pam cooking spray
- Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Spray a large casserole dish or beanpot with Pam.
- Spoon beans into prepared dish. Add brown sugar, ketchup, onion, green pepper and maple syrup or honey and mix well.
- Stir the mustard into the beans until well blended. Add the hot dogs and mix lightly.
- Place strips of bacon over the top and bake for 1-1 1/2 hour or longer. The longer you bake the beans the thicker they will become. Makes 6-8 servings. Enjoy!
4th of July Brownies
- 6 Tbsp butter
- 6 Tbsp cocoa
- 1 cup sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 3/4 cup flour
- 1/2 cup walnuts, chopped
- 2 cups miniature marshmallows
- chocolate for glazing
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease an 8×8 inch baking pan.
- In a small saucepan, combine butter and cocoa. Stir until melted. (You may use the microwave to do this.) Remove from heat and pour into a bowl.
- Add sugar and beat in the eggs, one at a time. Add vanilla and blend. Mix in the flour and walnuts.
- Pour into prepared pan and bake in preheated oven for 25 minutes.
- Remove from oven and sprinkle the marshmallows over baked brownies. Return to oven just until marshmallows are melted.
- Remove from oven and spread the melted marshmallows to cover the brownies. Drizzle chocolate glaze over the melted marshmallows. Let cool, then cut to serve. Makes 1 dozen brownies. Enjoy!
Corn on the Cob
- 6-8 ears corn, shucked and silked
- 2 Tbsp butter or margarine
- Plastic wrap
- Place ears of corn in microwaveable dish and cover with plastic wrap. Pierce plastic wrap 3-4 times with knife for vents. Cook on high for 5 minutes.
- Rotate ears and recover with plastic wrap. Cook for 5 additional minutes on high.
- Remove from microwave and place small amount of butter on each ear. Makes 3-4 servings. Enjoy!
Thermos Hot Dogs
- 5 hot dogs
- boiling water
- 5 hot dog buns
- Condiments: ketchup, mustard, relish, onion
- Take a wide mouthed thermos bottle and place hot dogs in standing up. Pour boiling water into bottle almost to the top. Seal lid and cup.
- Pack buns and condiments in basket. When you arrive at the park, the hot dogs will be perfectly cooked and ready to eat. Makes 5 servings. Enjoy!
- Isn’t this great? Fireworks, I love it. Set your tone for the 4th of July. That’s what we’re doing today on “At Home.” Is that great? Nothing is as exciting as fireworks, I don’t care if you’re five years old or if you’re 55, let’s go for that. Today, we’re pulling together our July 4th picnic, and we’re glad that you’re here with us as always. I like to do special things for my family, and I would like to motivate you today to just get some ideas together and have them in your mind for your children or whoever you’re going to be inviting to your picnic, whether it be at your home or in a park somewhere, but for about a dollar you get some nice napkins. Don’t use those plain old white ones or a roll of paper towels. Look, get some nice red, white, and blue ones. These were about three for a dollar. You can pick some of those up, and that adds to what you’re trying to display and trying to create an atmosphere, ’cause it’s 4th of July and there’s lots to celebrate. I think the burden is on we as parents to make sure that our children know that they live in a wonderful country. There’s no country in the world like the United States of America. And today we’ve put some patriotic names to some of the things that we’re going to be doing. Now first of all, we’re going to have firecracker baked chicken. You’ve never had that before because you’ve never had firecracker baked chicken before. Patriotic potato salad, all-American baked beans, and 4th of July brownies. Now I tell you, this is a lineup that is worth celebrating. And we’re gonna start all the festivities in just a moment right after this important message. We’ll be right back. Here’s today’s “At Home Hint,” submitted by Mary Burtoft. For a festive angel food cake, take some of the batter and color it with pastel food coloring. It makes a beautiful cake for birthdays, Easter, or the 4th of July. If you’ve got a helpful hint, we want to hear from you. Send your hint to At Home Hints, CTV, Wall, Pennsylvania 15148-1499. Well, the first thing we’re going to prepare today is our all-American baked beans, and you just couldn’t have a picnic without good baked beans. Everybody likes them. Today we’re going to get started withโฆ See, my mother always called this doctorin’ ’em up, and that’s kinda what I do, I doctor them up, because if you have time it’s great to go ahead and soak the beans and do all of that, and that’s good if you can do that, but mom would take beans out of a can, and these are Bush Beans, which I really like because I like the flavor, and she’d say, “Well, now Arlene, let’s get the beans ready. “We’re gonna doctor them up.” And that means that she was going to add some goodies to the beans that already had some seasoning and some flavoring to them, but she was gonna doctor them up, so that’s what we do. Isn’t this a fun time of the year when the middle of the summer season and we’re planning picnics and the flowers now look pretty decent because we have spent most of the month of May getting them ready and the month of June they’re sprouting. And it’s just an exciting time of the year because there’s a whole lot going on, a lot of country fairs and a lot of things to do, people going to the beach, and the 4th of July just kinda really does it. That’s, to me, that’s the big picnic day. All right, so we have two cans of beans in here, and I’m gonna add some chopped onion, as much or as little as you like. I would say probably about a half a cup, something like that. You could add green onion here if you want to. It’s an optional thing. We’re not doing that today because we decided we didn’t want that, okay? Now I’m gonna add about a half a cup of brown sugar, okay? Some ketchup, this is about a half of cup of ketchup. These are not down pat, these ingredients. You can, if you like real tomatoey flavor, add more. If you like a sweeter taste, add more brown sugar. Whatever you decide you want to do, all right? And as you keep adding, just keep mixing them up. Just keep mixing them together. All right, we’ve got the ketchup, the brown sugar, the mustard. Now I like to put a little bit of Worcestershire sauce, just a couple of little drops of that in there. All right, and the yellow mustard, and this is a couple of teaspoons, just a couple of squirts maybe is probably better, if you have that type of a container. Mix it around, mix it really, really well, okay? These are gonna bake in a 350, 375 degree oven, and the longer you bake them, the better they get, ’cause baked beans have to have that length of time to bake and get real good and thick. Now you can use honey or maple syrup. I just give this kind of a squirt, too, to give it that maple flavor. And again, it depends on the flavor that you like. If you don’t like that maple flavor, you’re more than welcome to put the honey in there, okay? Now I’m gonna tell you what I like to do, I like to put hot dogs in it, especially if you’ve got the kids that you’re taking on this picnic. And these are my good clean kitchen shears. This is great, I just cut them up. People cut the mustard, I cut the hot dogs. Okay, when you get that mixed like that, basically all you’re gonna do then is put it in your baking dish. I have so much on this counter today, because isn’t that the way it is when you’re trying to get ready for a picnic? The kitchen’s full of all the ingredients that you’re making for everything. Put them in a baking dish. Now if you have a Boston bean pot, it’s a brown pot, and I’m gonna show you what that looks like because I baked some of these already, and we’ll show you at the end of the program, that makes the best container for taking beans on a picnic because it’s a deep container. Okay, these will go in the oven. First of all, let’s put a littleโฆ Get rid of that. Let’s puts some bacon strips across the top because that adds flavor to it, too. Just randomly across the top, just to add flavor, okay? Ah, can’t you smell it already? There’s something when these beans get baking, they just smell so good, and I would not cover these. I’d put them in just like this, okay? 350 oven and let them go for about an hour, hour and a half, it doesn’t matter the length of time, it’s how thick you like the beans, all right? Let me show you something while we’re here with these hot dogs. This is a clue if you’re taking your picnic out of your home to a park, you’ve got all this fancy stuff maybe the kids don’t like. You have a wide-mouth thermos, okay? This will hold up to about eight hot dogs. Just lay those hot dogs in there like that. Then you have boiling water ready, and you’re gonna pour boiling water into the thermos to cover the hot dogs, all right? Put the lid on it, come back over here, put the lid on that, and when you get to the park, those hot dogs are cooked perfectly and the kids can have their hot dogs. You don’t have to drag a grill, you don’t have to drag the charcoal and all that stuff. There’s another hint for you. You’re ready to go with hot dogs. All right, the next thing we’re going to be doing while we have the beans in the oven is our patriotic potato salad. Now what I have here is about I’d say three pound of red, or you can use the white, I prefer the red potatoes, that have been boiled with the skins on. Then when they’re fork-tender, bring them out, let them cool, skin them off, and cut them in cubes. And that’s what we have here. These are just cut in cubes and they’re cool, because you have to be able to handle them, so you let them cool. You can do this the night before if you’re in a time pinch and you wanna get outta there early in the morning. You can do your potatoes the night before and just assemble it the next day. All right, to this we’re going to add our celery and onion, a half cup of each. Really, to potato salad, once you get the potatoes done, there’s hardly anything to do with it, really. So there’s celery and onion. We’re going to put, I have a half a dozen hard-cooked, hard-boiled eggs, and we chopped those up, so we’re just gonna add those. All right, and you don’t wanna stir it yet. Just wait a minute here. To that, we’re going to add our fresh ground pepper. Now you know me, I like pepper. It really perks up the flavor, and as I told you before, in any potato dishes, salt is absorbed in potatoes, so you almost can never over-salt a potato dish, but you don’t wanna overdo it because some people may be on a salt-restricted diet. So then we’ll salt it down. You can always add it at the table, too, so, ah, that’s a little slow. Let me get my other shaker over here, here we go. This is better, and we’ll add some salt, all right. Then we’re gonna do some celery seed. Now this is not celery salt, this is a seed. See that these little morsels are bigger than what the salt would be. That’s a seed. It looks like a mustard seed. I like to sprinkle that because that really perks the flavor. I’d say about a fourth of a teaspoon, it perks the flavor up. And also we’re gonna add some paprika to it. A lotta times I put that on the top. You can put it in it or on the top, either one. Let me see, did I forget anything? I think we’re okay. Let’s snip some fresh parsley in there, too, okay? Now you know on this picnic, we’re gonna have some steamed corn-on-the-cob also. Many times I’ll use my ice bucket to put cans of pop in there with some ice to use like a place to chill down your beverage or your cans of pop that you’re going to giving your guests. There’s lots of ideas and really, if you’ve having a lot of people, like one time we still had our swimming pool and I had invited about 15, and about 30 people showed up. Now what I served that day, I had gone and gotten chicken and I had made about 30 or 40 pieces of chicken, I had a big tray of lasagna, in fact two big pans of lasagna, and a big tossed salad, ’cause the mark of a good hostess is to spend time with your guests, not spend the whole day in the kitchen, because you know, it looks like the food’s more important to you than your guests are, and that’s just not right. So what I like to do is plan as much ahead as I can, and then that morning, like when those 30 people showed up, I was glad I had prepared enough for everyone. We had a great time. We had flags all around the pool. It was the 4th of July and we celebrated. We had a real good time. Okay, so here we are with the potato salad. I think we’ve got everything in there now. Now there’s no great secret to my dressing because my family likes plain old mayonnaise dressing, and that’s what I use. Some people will add a little pickle juice to the mayonnaise dressing. I think I’m gonna mix this up before I put that on, ’cause if you don’t, the mayonnaise will catch a big glob of egg or something and then it won’t evenly be distributed. There we go, okay. So you can add pickle juice to this. Some people add vinegar and sugar, and then they put milk in it. I found, and I’m not saying that every mayonnaise is as good, I personally like Hellmann’s, and you can use the reduced fat, the reduced calorie, any of that. Potatoes are very good for us. You can thin down the mayonnaise if you don’t want it to be so thick. You can thin that down with a little bit of milk or a little bit of cream, something like that. But the thing is, as this sets, it will get stickier, because the mayonnaise willโฆ Now this is a lot of potato salad here, certainly more than for four people. Did we think that, Linda? Is that what we thought, we thought it would serve four? Six to eight people, okay, that looks more like it. If you’re like my brothers who love potato salad, I would say give them two forks and a bib, ’cause they love it. I think I’ll add a little bit more to that. And of course it’s according to your taste, there’s no set design on this by any means, but it will absorb, so if you’re making this ahead of time, you might wanna tuck a little mayonnaise, if you’re going out to a park, take some with you in case it seems dry when you go to serve it. See how nice in color that little bit of paprika, when you incorporate that in with, instead of just sprinkling it on top, in with the potatoes, it gives it a good color. And basically, that is it. You’re gonna taste it and make sure it’s got enough salt, it’s got enough other flavorings. You might wanna add, some people like to add fresh dill to this. I do, ’cause I like dill. Sometimes they add garlic or onion salt, besides the celery flavor. I like the onion to have its own flavor in this, so I just kind of do it like that. We’re gonna put thisโฆ I hate all this cleanup, you know? It would be wonderful to have a maid that could kinda help you out with this stuff. I mean, I like to cook, but, boy, the cleanup is real downer sometimes. Anyway, put this in a really nice casserole or a covered dish, because you will want to cover this. You don’t want it in the refrigerator picking up all kind of tastes that might be in there, so you’re gonna be sure to cover this. I would say three to four pounds of potatoes would definitely serve six to eight people. And so you can kinda judge that. If you’ll look in the back of your cookbooks, it will also explain to you portion sizes and then just how much you’re gonna need for everything. So how much time do we have here? Oh, okay good, I wanna be sure that you see all the recipes today, so I’m kind of rushing through, and of course, as always, these recipes are available for your self-addressed stamped envelope, and we’ll tell you in just a few minutes how you can receive them and what to ask for. Okay, there’s the potato salad. It looks pretty good, nice color. You don’t want it to look bland. Now what I doโฆ Get rid of this. Now what I’ll do, we wanna decorate this a little bit, and this is where I would sprinkle more paprika on the top. Then I kept one of the eggs out whole, okay? It’s got a little pepper on it there. And you can make a flower with it, you can just cut it in circles and spread them around. Just be creative. Me, I’m just gonna cut it straight down, if it cooperates I am. This is a saw blade, so you have to saw it back and forth. Aha, okay, and then I’m gonna make a little flower here, just open it up, turn that one over like that, and let’s get a little sprig of celery. Now you see, you say, “But Arlene, that takes too much time.” It really doesn’t take time, but look how much nicer the top of that looks when you’ve just added a little bit of color. Isn’t that pretty? Try to keep it down in here. It’s getting too noisy from all the rave reviews. And this is going to be put in the refrigerator until serving time. I’m gonna set it aside right now because I’ve got something else I have to show you or we’re not gonna have time. Okay, the next will be our chicken, and this is our firecracker baked chicken, and this is so easy, you will be amazed. You’ll say, “I’m gonna make this all the time.” what you take is a couple of pounds of chicken. This is 3/4 cup of mayonnaise. I don’t think it’s gonna take that much mayonnaise, but you can start out with that. And we’re gonna add a couple of shots of Tabasco. Now you say, “Oh, Arlene, that’s so hot.” If you don’t like the Tabasco, don’t add it. Your chicken just won’t have a firecracker, that’s all. But no, seriously, if you don’t like it, don’t use it. If you’ve got little kids that’s gonna be eating the chicken, go easy on it because you don’t want kids to have their mouths burning. And really, it’s not that bad. That looked like a lot, but it’s really not that bad. Okay, we’re mixing the Tabasco with plain old mayonnaise. Okay, we’ll set that aside. Then in our Ziploc bag, or any kind of a plastic bag, this is one cup of corn flake crumbs, not bread crumbs. This is corn flake crumbs, okay? Half a cup of Parmesan cheese, okay, and we’re gonna mix that together, set that side. Here’s a couple of pieces of the chicken that I wanna show you how you’re gonna clean it off and get it ready, ’cause we have some already baking in the oven so we could show you, ’cause it bakes for an hour. Now what I do, I remove all of the skin, because we don’t need to be eating the skin. It’s not good for us. And with this kind of a crispiness on the outside, you don’t need it. I’ll tell you, if you’re tempted to eat it, just look at skin and look at the fat that’s under the skin and think about that going through your veins and you won’t wanna eat it, ’cause it’s not good for you, like I said, it really isn’t. Okay, there’s one piece of chicken. I like to trim this little bit of fat off of here too, ’cause we don’t need that, okay? I use cut-up chicken and I bought an extra pack of thighs because my family likes thighs a lot, and we’ll just trim off that skin, we don’t need that again, and any excess fat that we can get rid of, let’s do it. Trim it down, okay? Very good, now what we’re gonna doโฆ Here’s a little piece back here we don’t need. You take the mayonnaise that you have added the Tabasco sauce to, and this is your chance to paint. You’re gonna paint the mayonnaise onto the chicken. This can be reduced mayonnaise, it can be thinned down with some milk if you want to. Then you put it in your bag one piece at a time, give it one of those deals, get your pan ready ’cause you’re gonna put this on a cookie sheet sprayed with PAM, and I tell you, that’s all there is to it. We’re ready to go. You don’t fry it first or anything. It’s ready to go when you have done that. Can you imagine how fast this is just to spread this on, paint it on both sides, toss it in the bag, okay? And you’re done, that’s all there is to it. This will bake for one hour in the oven at 350 degrees for one hour, and that chicken, we’ll show you at the end of the program how crispy and delicious it is. Okay, that’s, let’s just put that in here to bake. Our beans are in there, they’re cooking. Now I wanna show you the brownies that we’re doing. We’re moving right along here. These are 4th of July brownies, and these are brownies probably like you have never had before, very quick, and we’re gonna put it together and I’ll show you what I mean. Here I have six tablespoons of butter or margarine in the pan that has been melting, and I’m gonna take six tablespoons of cocoa. I’m gonna add that to it and make sure that when it’s melted, it will all mix together, okay? Meanwhile, in a mixing bowl, I’m gonna put my one cup of sugar, and this is the second ingredient that goes in, is this chocolate that is melted, the cocoa that’s melted down with the butter. Now a lotta time I don’t use the regular butter in baking. I’ll use a good grade of margarine, unless it really makes a difference in the taste. When it gets like that, you’re ready to go. Okay, we’re gonna add that to the sugar. Now you know how I always tell you, make sure you get it all outta there, well, I’m gonna tell you again, make sure you get it all outta there ’cause you need all that chocolate. You heard it once, you heard it again and we’re gonna keep saying it. No, because it’s a waste to leave it in the pan like that ’cause it might affect the outcome of your recipe that you’re making, so get it all out of there, okay? Now we’re gonna mix the sugar and the chocolate together until it’s blended, okay? You have to make sure, incorporate it. You don’t wanna see any white sugar showing, okay? There we go. Okay, then to that, once you get to that point, you can even melt that in the microwave if it’s more convenient for you, it doesn’t matter, then we’re going to beat the eggs in one at a time, which is gonna be a trip because I’ve got them both in the sameโฆ But we’re gonna try, see if we can getโฆ There it goes, okay. You beat the egg in there one at a time and there is no baking soda or baking powder in this, but you have to incorporate this very well because I think that the egg is what’s gonna cause it to raise a little bit, so you wanna beat them really well. There’s one, and there’s two. This smell, because of the cocoa, smells so good. It just smells wonderful. Once you get this beat in there, and you can do this with a mixer, but you really don’t need to. I mean, if it’s easier for you, if you have a problem with doing that, then you might need to do it with a mixer, but I don’t think you have to. All right, now we’re gonna add the flour, and what I do is I add my walnuts to the flour, and I’ll tell you why. Did you ever have a brownie where the nuts were all laying the bottom or a piece of cake? If you coat them with flower, they’ll stay up in the batter. So you just kinda mix them around a little bit and toss them in there. That’s a half a cup of walnuts, three/fourths cup of flour. And we’re gonna put a little bit of vanilla in here, too, like about a teaspoon, okay? Now basically that’s the whole brownie recipe. This bakes in a 350 degree oven for about 25 minutes. Once you get this stirred up and you pour it in your pan, that’s basically it. But the key to this recipe is that once they bake the 25 minutes, you bring them out and you cover them with mini marshmallows, return it to the oven just until the marshmallows melt, and then you bring it out and you smooth it all over. See, it’s just about there. This is just about there. You smooth it with marshmallow and you let it sit up a little bit, and then you glaze it over with just some chocolate. And those are our 4th of July brownies. You prepare your pan, if it doesn’t have this coating on it, make sure that you grease it real well. We’re just gonna spread this in there. This is such an easy, easy recipe for brownies, and if you don’t wanna go the marshmallow route, you can certainly put chocolate icing, make you a chocolate icing, which is very easy. This is one of the moistest brownies, moistest brownies, and just tastes good. And I’ll tell you, this is a great start for your special day, 4th of July. We’ll be right back with the whole picnic.
- [Announcer] To receive the recipes presented on today’s program, plus many more great recipe ideas, send your best donation in a stamped, self-addressed business-sized envelope to At Home, CTV, Wall, Pennsylvania 15148-1499. You’ll receive Arlene’s heart-warming newsletter, “Enjoy!” featuring an entire month of “At Home” recipes, including today’s mouth-watering dishes. Be sure to include the “Enjoy!” issue number with your request.
- Well, here’s our 4th of July feast. And I just wanted to show you how good and how easy it is to make these hot dogs because, let me get my bun here, taking one right outta here that I just did, look, nicely cooked, put that in that bun, and your kids are bound to enjoy it. Also, let’s take a look. This is our wonderful firecracker baked chicken, crisp and done to a tee, our potato salad, patriotic potato salad, and it’s just as creamy as can be, very good flavor in it. You’re gonna enjoy it. The baked beans, let me come around here and show you how nice and thick these baked beans have gotten in my Boston baked bean pot, too. These are the things that create the atmosphere for a 4th of July. We’ve steamed some corn-on-the-cob. These are our brownies, our marshmallow brownies, 4th of July brownies that I’ve told you about. And remember I told you, put the marshmallows on, put them back in the oven just until they melt, spread it out, and then just glaze it on the top with some melted chocolate. And these with the walnuts inside, this is something your kids are gonna say to you, “Mom, will you make those 4th of July brownies again?” What be more better to complete this kind of a picnic than a nice big watermelon and some fresh fruit? You know, it’s important for us to remember that the 4th of July is something to celebrate. It’s something to be excited about. And do something special for your kids, take them out to where they’re having the fireworks. But most of all, let them know what it is to be an American and how important it is for them to know that there’s no country in the world like the good old USA. I hope you’ve enjoyed our picnic, and I hope you have a very special day with your family. It’s always fun to be with you. Remember, today’s recipesโฆ What number was it now, Linda?
- 113.
- 113, don’t forget, ask specifically for recipe number 113, and we’ll be glad to send them all to you. But be sure to join us the next time because it just wouldn’t be the same without you right here at home. See you then, bye-bye now.
- [Announcer] Fresh produce provided by Jordan Banana, wholesalers of fresh fruit and vegetables in Dravosburg, PA. Cookware provided by Wholey’s. Your favorite gourmet deserves the best for less at Wholey Balcony Cookware. Groceries provided by Foodland, where the answer is always yes. Cornerstone television wishes to thank all our faithful viewers whose consistent prayers and financial support have made this program possible.
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